Numb| 01

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Life can get wild
when you're caught in the whirlwind
Lost in the world when
You're chasing the win

~ W.A.Y.S|Jhenè Aiko

It was rare that people took in the feeling of fresh of air

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It was rare that people took in the feeling of fresh of air. The feeling of the cool wind smacking against your face after feeling like you were suffocating in your own skin. After feeling like the weight of the world was resting on your shoulders with no sign of an escape. Fresh air felt free. Free of any harm or hurdles that could be thrown on top of ones problems that couldn't seem to been shaken. For Clover, fresh air was her escape.

Standing on the side of the diner's building, Clover held onto her chest in an attempt to calm herself down. From being the only waitress available to having to deal with a rude customer who threw their drink on her. Her heart was beating steadily while the tears that sprung in her eyelids begged for a release. Begging for her to let all the built up anger out of her system. Clover wanted so badly to drag the customer across the diner but something in her mind wouldn't let her. She needed this job.

Hearing footsteps nearing closer to where she stood, Clover looked up from the ground to see Enya making her way over with a bottle of water. Something she so desperately needed to calm her heart rate. From being cursed out by her boyfriend this morning to having to come to work to deal with more stress. Not only was she tired but she was mentally drained with everything life had to offer.

"For you." Enya spoke up as she held the water out for her. "Oh and I definitely gave that old, bitter bitch a piece of my mind for you."

Clover forced a small smile on her face as she took the water from her. Once she started to drink it, she felt herself slowly start to feel somewhat normal again. Clover wasn't a violent person but she had anger built up in her. All her life everyone always treated her as if she was a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of someone's shoe. Her quiet and sweet personality made it easy for one to feel like they could get over on her. Clovers pain was what everyone around her used against her because they knew she was too numb about everything to ever speak up for herself.

"Thank you. I just can never win from losing with this job. Ever." She sighed. "If only the club paid me enough money to quit."

"You're a great bottle girl Clover but the real money comes from getting on that pole and showing off the talent you have." Enya expressed. "Not only can you move your ass off but you can also entertain the crowd."

Clover shook her head. "I would make myself look like a fool if I ever climbed onto a pole. I'm too shy and I'm sure they would get bored of me."

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