Lost Lovers <3

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I want to start off this chapter just saying thank you to all of you for supporting me and helping me on the road to 1k reads we haven't made it yet but I'm still so grateful and if you want to further support me pls go and follow me it would mean the world. Thanks again to Sucker4Soraxx, Sora_Dora, alchemy_keeley, MrsLGBTQ, Pwoggersinnit and Poopyloves_soraxx. INTO THE CHAPTER!!

(Jaxx POV) I stared at Sora's lifeless body with tears falling out of my eyes. why, Why, WHY!! I thought. I was full of so much rage and anger at myself I didn't realize that the person who shot the bullet was standing behind me. I knew I could never forgive myself but maybe taking out my anger on the person who shot Sora would help heal the endless whole in my heart. I turned around slowly trying to keep my cool I tried to convince myself murder was never the answer, but I couldn't help myself. I grabbed the gun from the mans hand and held it to his chest. "YOU BASTARD!!! YOU JUST KILLED THE ONLY PERSON ON THIS PLANET I'VE EVER LOVED, AND NOW YOUR GOING TO PAY!!" I yelled as I shot the man in the chest. I starred at yet another lifeless body lying on the ground around as I felt hundreds of tears slip down my face, it felt as though everyone who was around me whether they be a stranger or a person I loved in the end always died. I stayed there crying until I cried every last tear that I could. 

Time passes    

(Jaxx POV) I sat on the ground in that very place for a while before I decided I had to leave. But as I was walking out I heard gentle breathing, I swear if that bastard I shot is still alive I'm gonna shoot him a hundred times more, I thought. But my thought was interrupted by a gentle voice I recognized saying "J-jaxx i-s that y-you" SORA! I almost screamed turning around to see a little blue boy trying to get up blood still running down his shirt. I ran towards Sora before he passed out again. I picked him up in my arms and gently kissed his cheek before carrying him with me and whispering in his ear "I'm so very sorry, I'll never let you go again." And I started to walk to the hospital. I knew I might get arrested but if I hid my face I could pull it off. 

At the hospital    

(Jaxx POV) I quickly covered my face with a mask and rushed with Sora in my arms to the front desk. "Excuse me ma'am I need emergency help my boyfriend has been shot" I said, but the lady at the front desk just starred at me blank eyed until she finally spoke and said "sir did you say boy friend?" I was really confused at first but then just simply said "yes Mrs he is my boyfriend." The woman continued to stare at me like I had 3 heads before she slapped Sora and said "you gays can't just walk around like you own the place you will never be accepted and I refuse to help a disgrace like you" I was about to punch that woman but instead yelled "THIS MAN HAS JUST BEEN SHOT AND YOU JUST SLAPPED HIM, SO WHAT IF WE'RE GAY THIS IS A HOSPITAL YOU NEED TO HELP HIM." My yelling clearly got the attention of others because another nurse came out, a non homophobic I might add and said " oh dear, he looks very injured carry him right this way" I followed her into a room with Sora and gave the other woman at the front desk a death stare. "I apologize about her we will gladly help him " said the other nurse. I smiled lightly "thank you I appreciate it" I said as she took Sora into the room. 

3 Hours later

(Jaxx POV) it had been 3 hours and Sora still hadn't woken up, I was starting to lose hope, what if Sora really was dead I felt a tear run down my face. Just then the nurse came out of the room and said " someone is awake and waiting for you." A smile spread across my face as I walked into the room and saw Sora jump out of the hospital bed and run to me. We were reunited, but I had  a feeling this wasn't going to be the first time we were separated.  

WoAh ThAt WaS a CrAzY ChApTeR!! 770 words Also WE HIT 400 READS OMGGG TYSM <3. I will be realeasing another chapter today with information so stay tuned BYE LUVS!! 


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