Chapter 1 - Family

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It was cold, like any other day and yet, the cap of Mt. Song completely covered itself with glistening white snow and translucent blue waterfalls; in which were all frozen in time.

Trees were no longer trees, rather just a couple of branches clinging on to each other for dear life. The small houses which inhabits themselves on the thick snow; scattered around the plateau of the frozen water and were wrapped in a thin  layer of white ice themselves.

Icicles of varying lengths hang themselves just below the trim of the roofs, displaying their glimmering translucent colours in which was a clear contrast the coarse snow.

Zhang Bing Ling (张冰铃) better known as B-LA for short, embraced the beauty of her mountain village, despite the harsh conditions.

Her pristine white hair, blended together with natural blonde highlights merely hid themselves in the warmth of a velvet blue hood.

The rest of her body covers with only a thin dress, embellished on top with a mini cape which flows through the winter wind. The death inducing cold seemed to be non-existent. To B-LA, this was practically Summer, for she has been on this mountain her entire life.

Her blue eyes looked nothing like ice, more like an ocean she yearned to see, a new world that escaped the landscape of the mountain. She loved the mountain, it meant a lot to her; and yet deep inside, she yearns of seeking more than just snow and frozen lakes. A new world away from her current habitat.

 .·:·. ✧ ✦ ✧ .·:·.

"B-LA, wake up sleepy-head!"

"It's important news. It would be wisest to listen."

The raspy high-pitched voice and the calming soothing voice filled the emptiness in her dream. Slowly, B-LA lifted her heavy eyelids and turned her head to see a blurred figure. It was the Zhou twin girls from the orphanage, Zhou Jin Zhi (周金枝) and Zhou Yu Yue (周玉叶). Crystal and Jade, respectively, placed their cold yet soft hands on B-LA's face.

B-LA felt her body rise up on its own and finally, the images of the twins became clearer. Their silky brown hair tied in French braids and their eyes, painted a milk-chocolate colour. Crystal blue and jade green dresses fell just below their knees. Unlike the pale white skin most people in the village had, they possessed a tanner skin, unique to them; some villagers believe they have the potential to become models.

"Good morning, Jade and Crystal, what dearest news has been brought upon me to wake me up this early in the sunrise."

"It's Crystal and Jade, thank you very much. Please get that right next time!" Crystal replied in disgust.

"Your parents, have arrived home. They have souvenirs for you from the land of Zhengzhou." Jade promptly answered.

B-LA's parents. Yes, she had always seemed to forget their existence. They often trekked down the mountain in order to earn money for her which may have seemed to be sacrificial, but in B-LA; all she longed for was the comfort of her parents, for them to finally take leadership instead of throwing boulders at their daughter. 

"Thank you Crystal and Jade, I'll get ready right now."

Crystal ran out the room as if she was in a hurry. Jade on the other hand, curtsied before quietly leaving the room. 

B-LA got ready and quietly left the house.

 .·:·. ✧ ✦ ✧ .·:·.

The 20 or so villagers stood in a line, all of various appearances and age. Some were using hand gestures while others used their voices. The sounds of cheering and clapping echoed throughout the mountain. B-LA watched her parents, carrying large baskets on their backs containing various of things and a huge a smile of their faces. 

Mother, possessing the white and blonde hair like B-LA, yet seemed more beautiful even when worked to her limit. Father, an older figure but possessed the same personality as B-LA. They were truly family. When they placed their baskets then, their body seemed to have collapsed in exhaustion. She couldn't help but run towards them with tears in their eyes. She was reminded of the huge sacrifices they made not only to keep her alive, but the whole village alive.

"B-LA, how we dearly missed you!" Mother cried. "How wonderful! You have grown so beautiful and at the age of 15!"

"We love you so much B-LA, we are so sorry for leaving you alone like this." Father whispered to his distraught daughter.

"No, don't be sorry. I just missed you so much. I need to show you what I can do now that I have matured." B-LA replied. 

The three family members embraced in a long and warm hug. They finally got to see each other again, after three years of separation. Tears freezing the second they fell on the ground. After embracing, they let go and let each other discuss about the three missing years in their lives. 

B-LA rushed through the muddy snow and grabbed her longbow and and an arrow, resting under a tree. There, she spotted a wild boar, running in and out of the trees. Her hands and feet, adjusting her form and perfecting her technique.

"Mother, Father, let me show you what I can do with this."


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