Chapter 6

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'You're actualy alot more fun than I thought you would be Chelsey,' Zach admitted as we were walking out of the stadium. 

'Um thanks... I think,' I laughed.

'Where's your work from here Chels?' Will asked.

'It's only about a 10 minute walk. I'll show you the way,' I smiled.

'I still think that last goal shouldn't have counted. He kicked it after the siren!' Julian complained, changing the subject.. He really likes his football. All the boys were shouting and screaming at the players during the game, but Julian was the loudest. It was actually quiet funny.

'Tat's just what you wanted to see Jules. He kicked it way before the siren, you just can't accept the fact that we beat you,' Will teased, walking backwards to face Julian. 

'Pfft, what ever.'

'Hey Jules do you want me to drive you home and Will can walk with Chelsey?' Zach interupted. 

'Yeah alright, saves me having to catch the bus.'

'I'm parked over that way,' Zach said, pointing to the direction of his car. He had driven us all here as Julian was to young to drive and didn't want Will driving his car. When Will had asked to drive, and Zach refused, he looked really upset. I have no idea why, I asked Will what was wrong but he had just ignored me.

'Well it was great to meet you Chelsey. Hope we can catch up again soon,' Julian said, giving me a hug. I liked Julian, he seemed like a really nice guy. I could see him being the type of guy that you can go to for anything, and he'll help.

'Yeah thanks Will for inviting us and thanks Chelsey for being such a laugh,' Zach chuckled.

'Haha, that's alright guys. Thanks for inviting me along and letting me hang out with you guys! I don't think I have laughed that much since I was a little kid! I'm surprised I don't have a six pack by now!' Everyone started laughing. 

'Nice couple of friends you got there,' I told Will.

"Yeah they're great. But I think Zach might have a bit of a crush on you,' Will laughed.

'Pfft, I'm sure there are other girls on his mind,' I scoffed. I only saw Zach as a friend. He was hot and everything, but I don't think he is really my type. I don't know, he's just more of a friend.

We walked along in a comfortable silence for a while,

I looked at Will And smiled to myself. He turned his head to look at me and I quickly looked away, not wanting him to catch me staring at him. I couldn't help but feel attracted to him.

Maybe it was the way he walked, his big broad shoulders rolled back, standing tall. Or maybe it was his voice.

It flowed like a perfect river and every time he used 'th' words, his tongue would glid beautifully over his perfect lips and teeth. It was low and husky.

Or maybe it wasn't what was on the outside at all, maybe it was his kind loving heart. Something so rare and hard to find these days. After all, a pretty face is nothing if the heart is black and cold.

He looked at me and smiled.

'What?' I asked in a playful voice.

'Nothing,' he said, looking away smiling to himself.

We came to a crosing and I pressed the button four times.

'So what do you do for a living?' I asked Will.

'I work in a bank. Commenwealth to be precise. I just work in costumer service.' I started lauging softly.

'What? What's wrong with that?' 

'Nothing, it's just I wouldn't have expected a guy like you to work in a bank, that's all.'

'What would you expect me to be?' He asked playfully.

'I don't know. Maybe something like a tradie or something.'

'I'm trying to make it into the music buisness, but right now, I haven't been able to do that so for now, that's just a hobbie.'

'Really?' I asked with complete shock on my face, 'Do you sing?'

'Well I sing and rap and also play alot of different instruments.'

'You'll have to show me when we get back to your house.' 


Authors Note

Do you guys think I should start doing these? I don't know. I've been reading other fan fics and they always do these. Idk.

Tell me if the chapters are to short. Any feedback, just tell me. I love feedback :)

Sorry I haven't been uploading alot lately, I've been really busy with work and stuff but I wanted to update this before school tomorrow.

Ugghh, school -.-

Hopefully I'll start updating every weekend :) The more votes, the faster I upload :) *hint, hint*

 Umm also, if you want to be Julian's gf or Zach's gf, message me your name and a bit about yourself and I might choose you :D

Teaser= Someone's going to get asked out :) also doing POV's soon :) (Point Of View)

Vote, fan, message, all that :)

Thanks guys :) 

Maddy xx

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