Chapter 7

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For my whole shift, Will sat there looking at me, pulling faces, laughing when I stuffed something up or got yelled at by a customer.

I walked over in a very respectable way and informed him 'Excuse me sir, if you aren't going to buy something then I'm sorry to inform you, but we will have to ask you to leave.'

'Is that right?' He smiled, 'Well in that case, what is the cheapest thing on the menu?'

I shoke my head and laughed.

'That would be a soft serve, it's 30 cents.'

Will digged in his pockets and found a 50 cent coin.

'Keep the change.'

I walked back to the counter and put it into the computer and put the extra 20 cents into the charity box sitting on the counter.

I quickly made it and took it over to him.

'I thought you said you were going to go out somewhere,' I reminded him.

'Yeah I was, but it doesn't matter now. I'll just stay here. I was just going to go home and watch a few movies anyway.'

I finally finished my shift. I grabbed a cheesburger meal for me and a big mack meal for Will.

I walked over to Will and gave him his food.

'Do you want to eat this on the go or stay here?' I asked.

'We'll just eat it on the way, it's going to take us about half an hour to get home anyway. We'll walk back to the stadium and catch the bus from there, it stops just near my house,' he informed me.

'Sounds good.' We walked out and Will held the door open for me.

'Such a gentleman,' I grinned.

He laughed and let go of the door so it hit me.

'Thanks for that.'

'Anytime,' he grinned.

As we walked down a side street and out of the light coming from all the shops, the only thing lighting the way was the moonlight.

Will had scoffed down his whole meal by the time I had eaten my chips.

'Forget music and working in a bank, you should go in eating competitions, you'd win everytime.'

He laughed, wiping away a biy of sauce.

I finished my burger and drink and found someones rubbish bin on the side of the street, waiting to be emptied in the morning, and chucked my rubbish in it.

'Good girl for not litering.'

'Oh shut up,' I responded.

I looked up at the sky. The moon was so bright and the stars were shining. It was a perfectly clear night.

When I looked away, I found Will staring at me in fasination.

I looked back at him and I could see the moonlight in his eyes. It shined on his face, making him look even more perfect. I looked away and smiled.

He moved closer to me and took my hand in his.

My fingers fit perfectly inbetween his.

I squized his hand and pulled him in closer so we were shoulder to shoulder, well more like my shoulder on his arm.

He squized my hand back and I smiled to myself.


We were sitting on the bus just talking about random stuff when a guy stumbled his way onto the bus.

He looked a bit familiar.

I stared at him for a few seconds.

That's when I realised who it was.

~Will's POV~

You could smell the beer in his breath as soon as he stumbled onto the bus. It looked like he hadn't had a shower in days.

I felt Chesley stiffen up and saw her eyes widen.

'Chels? What's wrong?' She wasn't responding.

'Chels?' She was staring at the man and quickly looked away to face the window.

'Chelsey you're scaring me. What's wrong?' I whispered.

'That's the guy from last night,' she whispered facing the window. She pulled her jumper around her tighter.

'I won't let him do anything to you, I promise,' I whispered into her ear.

She looked at me and smiled nervously.

I just wanted to protect her, make her feel safe.

I put my arm around her waist and moved in closer.

She placed her precious head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

I wish time could just stand still for a minute or two. Just stay in that perfect moment.


Authors note:

Ughhh I'm sorry if some of these chapters are really boring :/

But I promise it gets better!

Sorry if there are any typos or mistakes or anything :/ I've been writing the whole thing on my phone and I hate having spell check on so yeah :)

Teaser: Who will Chelsey wake up to see staring back at her? Sorry but it's going to be short but I'll upload the next one a day after, if not the same day.

Please comment and fan and all that Jazz :) And share! :)

Also I have something to share with y'all. Tell me if you wanna be in it on twitter @True_Collector_

Hope you have a nice day :)

Filled with flowers and Collective feels :3 <3

Maddy xx

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