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If there was one thing everyone could agree on to watch, it was the Olympics. Captain - for obvious reasons; Pat - a sports fanatic; Thomas - for the competitors' beauty; Kitty - who was strangely excitable about it; Mary - who likes the bit where everyone shouts when the little peoples cross the lines; Lady B - to complain about the noise (and to complain was the fun part); Robin - to see who could beat a mammoth; Julian - who liked to watch it when he was alive, so it kept him connected to his life somehow; and Humphrey; who was just happy to be included. Alison liked watching the Olympics for a while, but the new classes like Skateboarding being added intrigued her into offering it to the Ghosts. Mike wasn't all that fussed about Sports, but he could definitely beat everyone there... obviously.

The night watching the Olympics consisted of shouting, cheering, rooting for people, gawking, and the occasional gasp. Everyone had a great time, and soon the night came to a close. After everyone had got into bed, lights all off and eyes shut, the Captain burst through the wall of Alison and Mike's room.
"Ah! Alison! Yes, the ghosts and I were thinking of doing our own races, and we have allocated you to help with it, we need tape for the finish line, some weights for weightlifting, hurdles..."
"Yes, yes whatever, just go sleep" replied the barely conscious, incredibly tired Alison.
"Perfect, well i expect you up to prepare at 800 hours." and with that he marched out the room.

If there was one thing worse than an alarm clock, it would be 3 ghosts crowded around you shouting for you to wake up and deal with something you unconsciously agreed to late last night.
"Yes, God! I'm awake! What do you want?"
she angrily announced, sitting up rapidly and staring at them wildly.
"We told you to wake at 800 hours!" Captain remarked
"Yes! Sun is up, moonah is gone. Is time to start!" Robin stated
"Start what? What are you talking about?"
"The Olympics!"
"Ghost Olympics!"

"Right, so what you're saying is you want me to host a 'Ghost Olympics'" Alison rubbed her temples in circles.
"Yeah, we'll have all kinds of events!" Pat stated
"Like one where you pretend to be chased by bears!" Robin suggested.
Everyone stayed quiet and looked at Robin for a long minute, and then, after a lot of internal thinking, made sense of his madness.
"...A running race?" explained the Captain.
"Chase Race!" exclaimed Robin.
"And what other events do you want?" asked Alison, already regretting waking up.
"Weightlifting?" Captain offered.
"It can be called the Deadweights... cause, you know, we're dead! you get it?" jested Pat, now facing Captain - probably waiting for a laugh, or at least a chuckle.
"Yes Patrick, very clever. Anyway-"
"But how would you do that? You don't have anything to lift, and you can't touch stuff." asked Alison, interrupting Cap.

It was in the early morning (well, early for a Saturday), and the mist that usually covered the grounds had swept the grass under its white blanket. It weaved through the trees and hovered above the lake. It would've been beautiful - if the grounds weren't haunted by a bunch of impatient ghosts who suddenly had the craving for athletics.

The air had a cold bite to it, and you could see your breath form clouds around you.
Rolling out tape, Alison made a start and finish line for the 'Chase Race'. She used duct tape to make a line of where they'd start on the grass, and tied some around two trees for a finish line - like they had seen athletes run and break through. They... She set up the Volleyball pitch, similar to the one from the last game that they placed to settle a bet, and a football pitch too. The best pitch created was probably the basketball court - the hoops made of a bin with the bottom cut open, cello-taped to the wall. (which soon the vandalism to the defenceless bin was proven pointless when Humphrey-the-ball went through the side of the bin, and the wall. There was an argument about if the point counted or not for a while).

Soon, the ghosts all made their way outside to compete; apart from Lady Button, who decided it was "far too unladylike to compete in such ridiculous tomfoolery"; and Humphrey's body, because he couldn't find his way through (or to) the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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