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Like a vagrant, Tayo wandered round the streets knocking from gate to gate, throwing away all shame and being optimistic that all effort will be serendipitous. He arrived at a where he pressed the doorbell and also knocked the gate but got no respond. He left the gate about ten feet away when his instinct led him back to the gate. This time he knocked the gate and stood by it and has his mind set “until he gets a respond before he leaves the gate” he knocked the gate again this time he heard a faint voice but didn’t get what the person was saying, it was the voice of the gateman who was at the other side of the house to wet flowers.
          Running towards the gate, who is there? I’m coming! He dropped the water hose between the flowers, the water splashed on his shirt but he wouldn’t mind instead he ran towards the gate leaving the water running. As he got closer to the gate, he almost hit his body on a car parked close to the gate. He avoided his body from hitting the car. Yes who is there? He peeped through the gate then rushed to open the small gate. Taju stepped out of the gate with one leg and place the other inside hugging the gate tightly with one hand “ who are you looking for?” the question hits Tayo but he was determine that since he has come this far, he won’t give up. The burning sun reduced for a while and smiled at Tayo. Tayo mustered up the courage he needed “good afternoon sir he greeted wearing a wide smile with a compassionate expression that is able to capture ones heart. I am here to solicit for a job he cut his words with demonstration then added any job sir.
Taju smiled looking at Tayo and repeating what his last word “Any job” he snapped out of the joke. You mean you’re willing to the any job you are offered? Then he starred at Tayo from head to toe seeing that his leg has made a way out of his slippers, he held his laugh within him “ha! Yes I can see you can really do any job” actually the thing is. He paused then looked at Tayo closely there’s no job here but my boss’s friend is in need of a gateman, Tayo will not let Taju end his word instead he cut him “I can do that” Taju looked at him again, now even without hearing any of Tayo’s story, he could feel how desperate Tayo is to get the job. Tayo jumped for joy and hugged him. Hey! I have not said you have gotten the job, I only told where there is vacancy but when she returns, I will discuss it with my boss about it. Tayo laid to ground almost kissing the dust held Taju’s feet “Thank you very much sir” Taju quickly held him by his arm to pull him back up. Don’t worry, but give me your phone number so I can give you a call after I talk to her. Tayo didn’t hesitate a second, he called out his number aloud. 
After a while Tayo left, Taju sat on the bench behind his room opposite a flower vase close to a wall. He lay on the bench then popped up like a corn being fried “I pity this  boy” see how tattered he looks, I pray Madam Favor has not find a gateman yet he got a long look on his face, the atmosphere felt so uneasy on him he loosen a button on his shirt fanning himself with his hand. He had gotten himself a kettle of fish putting himself in Tayo’s shoe, he kicked back looking to and fro.
Locked in thought and embraced by anticipation, Taju look forward to his boss return. Everything around made him hold a holy cow but he hold out the olive branch to the predicament he had brought upon himself. The atmosphere blew peace at him distance horn and running vehicle whirl with bird echoing at the height of their voice would not confuse Taju’s thought instead it complicates it the more. Suddenly shadow appeared by the spear head below the gate followed by continuous horning. The horn has continued for several seconds but Taju was lost in thought, sharply he snapped out of his thought fell to the ground but rushed to the gate immediately. Opening the gate with a false smile ‘welcome Ma’ Seun drove in ‘Taju continues to greet but Seun would not look at him instead she concentrated parking her car. Finally she stepped out of her car, Taju what’s wrong with you? Where were you while I was horning at the gate? I was here all that while, just that something was bothering me that I couldn’t notice you were at the gate already. Something is bothering you, When has it start that you don’t tell me things that are bothering you anymore. She gave a strict look holding her bag to her waist and the second hand holding the rail by the balcony. No ma, it isn’t like that. It started when you left this morning. Curiosity kept in bay, Seun was eager to know what bothers Taju so much that he couldn’t notice her horning at the gate so she threw the question at him ‘what is it that bothers you so much?’ hitting back to the promise he had made to Tayo, it gave him the courage he needed to spit out what he actually felt within him. The atmosphere cooled for a while, the sound of the birds can be heard aloud. Seun realized she had seen Taju in this state before, but that was about him. Now she’s doubly confused how concern Taju was for someone who is not even related to him.  Hello Favor, lying on her back on the couch crossing her leg on a stool. Taju finally got a security guy for you, the atmosphere shared a lot of smile as seun won’t stop smiling walking up to the wine shelf. The glass cup was glad as the wave of wine would roll through it. “please tell Taju to send the person to me asap.
The wind was still, the sun smiled at Tayo as it dims to evening. Smiling like a neophyte as he walked back home with a serendipitous result from Taju, every thought within him were all positive. Esther could see through Tayo’s smile and how happy he was as he walked through the door. What’s up with the smile dear? Esther smiled in return luring Tayo to answer her with her expression meanwhile, Atanda was fast asleep. I think I got a job he ran hugging his mother throwing happiness into the air. And where is that she raised her eye brow wearing a wide smile, what’s the nature of the job? A gate keeper at the fourteenth street after ours he smiled speaking confidently hoping his mother will reciprocate back with happiness but it was the opposite. A what? The clothes she was holding slipped through her hand “Gate keeper” she bent to pick up her clothes. Tayo you’re just in your early twenties, how could you call that a job at your age, it is very risky and I can’t let you do that. The happiness in the room was sucked up by Esther’s reaction towards Tayo securing a job.  Being a lion, Tayo mustered up courage standing up to his mother. Mum, I’ve search everywhere for a job but I don’t seem to find any till I came across this. Aren’t you tired of this needy state? Dad can barely move his leg, you are not strong like you use to be am I supposed to sit and watch my parent suffer when I can still do something to help? Atanda woke to the words Tayo has spoken, tear rolled down his eyes as Esther fell to her kneels, silence embraced the room with an absent of comfort. Esther was bemused but was comforted by her son. Mum I just have to do this for us.
Very early the next morning, Tayo was dressed up and set to go out. Tayo won’t you eat before you leave the house Esther approached him. The inner strength is used to sustain the outer strength she added. Mum, don’t worry I’m fine. You just pray for me I find Favor everywhere I go. The Lord will go before you and go after you, Tayo knelt before his mother. Every antagonist in your way will fail and but be put to shame. Mercy, favor and goodness will locate you all the days of your life. As you have decided to fill my heart with joy, joy will not seize in your life. After a while the prayer ended, Tayo picked up his bag and he headed out to work.

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