1 - Mysteries

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Okay, so this is the first chapter! How exciting?! Please vote and comment later what you thought of this :) Now enjoy reading! Continue!

"Josh, please hand me the box" I take my shoulder bag in my hand and carry another box of plates. Josh sighs, probably annoyed he has to help bringing our stuff inside the house.

Me and Josh, my little brother, had to carry the boxes inside while our parents handled the last few things when it comes to paying the house. It is a beautiful house, it's very close to the beach and a mall so we got very lucky, at least I did! The house is white from the outside and the inside as well. It's a big house, we have like five bed rooms, every bedroom has it's own bathroom. I got one of the bedrooms with a balcony. I got a view on the garden. The garden is huge, it could be at least half a football field. Okay, okay not that big but it is big! The kitchen is downstairs and is connected to the living room and when you walk a but further there is a door to the garden.

Besides I will introduce myself, I am Sarah Blue. I am eighteen years old and I'm originally from New Jersey. We moved to England because of my father's job, at least that's what they say. I believe that we also moved so things would get better for us, to let the past go. Of course they wouldn't ever admit that I mean, I wouldn't either.

"Sarah!" Josh yells from outside on the driveway. I drop my bag and quickly walk over to where he is standing.

He looks mad and is holding one of his Harry Potter books.
"What is it little guy" I say grinning. His face is turning red by now and his hands becomes fists.

"Sarah! I am not a little guy stop saying that! And you messed with my books!" he yells. I frown and take the book out of his hand so I can take a quick look. He takes it back and holds it behind his back, "Come on Josh, at least show me what you are making a drama about"

He groans and runs back inside the house. He gets mad or irritated so easily, it's unreal. He is twelve right now and has been sad lately. He didn't want to leave America to start a new life here in England, he didn't want to lose his friends either. I can understand, sure, but he is making Mom and Dad unhappy too. I talked to him about the situation but he shrugs it off in front of others but last night in the hotel when he thought he was alone, he was crying. I leaned in against the door and heard him talk about how he didn't want this, how he never got a chance to say anything. I decided to walk away and go back to my room and give him the privacy he needed.

I look at the house opposite of ours and I see that the car door is wide open, Josh didn't close it, what is new? Before I can go to the other side of the road towards the car there is a group of guys on motorcycles coming across. They're yelling and laughing and don't even bother to watch out. Ugh, I fucking hate guys like that. My ex boyfriend, Lucas, was one of those guys. Long story short, he cheated on me and betrayed me like a fool so I don't trust those people no more.

One of the guys stops in front of my house and takes off his helmet. His eyes are blue, he had messy blonde hair and a jawline so sharp you could cut yourself with it. He is handsome I must say.

"Are you new here? I've never seen you here before" the guy says, he has a brittish accent and a smirk on his face. God I would like to slap that smirk off there. He rises his brows, waiting for my answer.

"Not that you need to know, but yes, I am new here" I say, I walk past him and through the group of guys and close the car door. I will get the rest of the stuff later. The boys start whistleling and oe'ing. Rolling my eyes, I turn back to the house.

"hey!" the same guy yells again when I'm about to walk in. My head tells me not to turn around but I do. I look at him, he is still smirking.

"I didn't catch your name" he finally says. All his friends are starting to laugh and I put on my fake smile.

"Okay, well try a dream catcher, you might catch it then" I say, I give him a teasing wink and finally step inside and close the door behind me. Immediately I put my ear on the door, trying to overhear what they're saying. They are all laughing, except him.

"Oh fuck off all of you, let's go" the guy who tried to put some smooth tricks on me said. I laugh and open the curtain to see where they are going. There is still one last guy in the middle of the road. But when I look at him he drives away, weird guy.

A/N: Okay guys please don't forget to vote AND comment if you liked ittttt! It would mean so much xo.

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