" Electroshock therapy "

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You were wondering what austin and eteled were doing, so you went to the hallway.

You heard some screams in the distance, so you ran down the hallway, and noticed eteled in a chair, and austin.

" Uh, what are you doing to eteled..? "
You calmly asked austin.

Austin turned around immediately, and saw you.

" O-Oh, Y/N. You scared me half to death. " Said Austin.

" S-Sorry. " You replied back.

" Well, i was just giving eteled some therapy. " Said austin.

" I think this looks more like torture then therapy.. " You replied.

" Well, it's not exactly like torture, but it's type of therapy. " Said austin.

" What type of therapy is it called...? "
You asked.

" It's called electroshock therapy. "
He replied.

" Huh. " You mumbled.

Eteled's eyes were pitch black, and it nearly scared austin to death.

It gave chills down your spine just looking at eteled.

It gave chills down your spine just looking at eteled

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" Is... Eteled alright? " You asked calmly.

" Yeah, He'll be fine. I just finished his therapy before you came, but you should head back now, I'll teleport eteled there aswell, since he's passed out. " said austin.

" O-Oh! Alright! " You replied.

You ran to exit which took you back to the plaza.

And eteled was knocked out cold on the ground.

He eventually woke up, and pretty much was fine.

But he was still tired, so were you from running.

Eteled fell back asleep, you went to sleep aswell.

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