New Friend...? | PT 5 |

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After a few minutes of playing bowling, sam's mother calls her down for dinner.
Sam turned off the wii and went downstairs.
Ichigo looked at Y/N and blushed nervously, Y/N Noticed Ichigo acting strange. And Y/N walked up to them and sat by them.

" Heya Ichigo, you've been acting a bit strange. Something wrong? " Asked Y/N.

" A-Ah! Nothings wrong! I'm just a bit nervous that's all! " Flustered Ichigo.

" Nervous about w- "

"Nothing! I'm fine! I'm b-being honest!" Exclaimed Ichigo.

" Alright, well you're gonna stay with me, for now. Your acting a bit strange. " Said Y/N.

Ichigo turned slightly red and replied, " O-Oh, alright! "

Ichigo laid their head on Y/N's Shoulder, and might've ending up falling asleep while doing so.

Y/N looked at Ichigo with a smug look on their face and blushed.

Y/N Chuckled and ended up falling asleep too.

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