Chapter Ten: Jealous

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    Niall's nervous. Nervous because he is going on his first date with Zayn tonight. Nervous because it's his first date since his and Harry's split - not that they were ever a thing in the first place. Nervous because he didn't want to get his heart broken again. But most importantly, nervous because he doesn't know what to wear.

    "Louis," he calls.

    Thinking something is wrong because of the strain he hears in Niall's voice, Louis races into Niall's room on high alert, "What's wrong?"

    Niall chuckles at the look on his friends face before replying, "Can you help me pick out something to wear?"

    Louis smiles wide, "Why?" he asks, already knowing the answer.

    Niall whines at the boy, "Louis."

    "What?" Louis replies innocently.

    "Zayn's taking me on a date," Niall mumbles timidly.

    "What was that?" his friend replies, smiling wider.

    "Zayn's taking me on a date," Niall snaps and falls onto his bed. He covers his red face with his hands.

    "Awe Nialler," Louis pats the boys knee, "All you had to do was ask."

    Niall groans in response. Louis makes his way to the blonds closet and looks for the perfect outfit for his friend to wear on his date tonight. Zayn had texted Louis a few nights ago seeking help to set up the perfect date to take Niall on. Louis was excited for his two friends and he hoped that Niall would be able to look past Harry for a night.

    Louis picked out Niall a pair of black skinny jeans, ripped at the knees, a white t-shirt, a flannel - knowing the night would get a little nippy - and a pair of all white converse. He helped the younger boy style his hair up in a rather good looking quiff, and Louis decided that Niall looked perfect.

    "Done," Louis whistles at the masterpiece that is Niall.

    "Thanks Lou, you're a lifesaver," Niall wraps his arms around his friends neck and hugging him tight.

    Louis laughs, "No problem Ni, you have fun tonight."

    There's a knock on the door and Louis pecks Niall's cheek before turning away.

    Before Niall opens the door Louis shouts, "Use protection."


    You would think that Niall has never been to a carnival before by the way he's looking around in awe. Zayn watches Niall fondly, loving the smile on the blonde's lips. Zayn thinks Niall is stunning and he can't take his eyes off the smaller lad.

    "So...what first?" Zayn asks Niall.

    "Um...oh! Tilt-a-whirl," he says, jumping up and down a little. Zayn wants to coo at how adorable his date is being.

    The two walk over to the ride and Zayn hands the sketchy looking carnie their tickets before the two take a seat on the ride. The man comes to check their seatbelt- if you could even call the bar that's holding the pair in the ride that - and then they're off.

    Niall squeals as the pair start to spin faster and he uses this as an excuse to clutch Zayn's hand in his. Zayn is shocked that the blond took initiative, but he's glad that he gets to hold his hand.

    The ride ends all too soon but Niall is all smiles and Zayn can't help but smile as well because Niall's smiles are contagious. Niall talks excitedly and drags Zayn all around the carnival to ride on all of the rides. Zayn lets Niall pull him around, he doesn't mind because he's having an amazing time.

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