Prologue Part 1

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A/N: This was posted on AO3 originally, so updates here will be much slower. I have parts 1 and 2 already written, but I'm feeling productive and am now pre-writing the rest of the prologue. I apologize for how long it's going to take me to update both here and on AO3.

I woke up to the cold. The cold of a small space of metal. A box? Not important right now. Who am I?





Ah, right. I remember now. Hello there! My name is Sayori! I'm the victim protagonist of this story!


Sayori woke up. It was cold. It was dark. It was cramped. A locker, perhaps? Whatever. She needed to get out. The walls felt like they were closing in. Closer and closer. Breaths picked up speed; a panicked expression formed on a young face. Out out out out out out out outoutoutoutoutoutout

A pounding sounded on the side of the locker. Her hands began to sting. Was it Sayori doing this? She didn't care. She just wanted OUT. The walls were closing in oh god oh god og god oh god oh-

"Hello...?" a tentative voice sounded.

"Is someone there?! I can't seem to get out," her voice shook with fear, "I- please. Please let me out of here!"

Silence followed.

"How do I know you're not dangerous to me?"

Deep breaths, Sayori. Someone was here. She could be out soon; she just needed to calm down. After a minute or so, she responded, "I don't know how to prove that, but you need to trust me at least a little! I promise I'm not!"


"Please, I don't want to be stuck here for much longer."

More silence.


There was some shuffling outside the locker door, the sound of a pencil sliding across a desk sounding clearly in the silent air. The locker opened.

Bright light momentarily blinded Sayori as she tried to step out of the locker, only to trip and fall flat on her face. "Ow ow ow," she hissed. The pain subsided soon after she stood.

Standing up showed he disheveled clothing. Her blazer was unbuttoned, revealing her orange vest, white button up shirt (with wrinkles galore and slightly unbuttoned), and a messily put together bow around her collar. She had messy strawberry blonde hair with a neat red bow pinned on the side.

"Hi! I'm Sayori, noce to meet you!" yelled her suddenly cheerful voice, sounding leagues away from the shaky, panicked voice mere moments ago. Her hand was held out, waiting for a handshake.

"Hello. I'm Kokichi Ouma..." replied the voice, now revealed to be a boy around her age, dressed in a middle school-like uniform. His hair was wild, flying out to the sides in a way that seemed to defy gravity. His face was suspicious, nervous, unfriendly. Nonetheless, he shook her hand, keeping his other hand behind his back. Sayori noticed, of course, but didn't comment. If she did, she might lose a potential friend.

With a nervous—but always kind—smile on her face, she asked, "Um, were you kidnapped, too?"

She was nervous. What if he didn't answer? What if he was with the kidnappers?! Ohhh she really was a dummy! He could've been trying to lure her out! But... maybe he's just nervous. If he is, she certainly shouldn't make if worse!

Kokichi stared at her. It was unsettling. Purple eyes—eyes that seemed to know her deepest thoughts and secrets—analyzed her for a moment, then averted their gaze. "So," he began, "We're in the same predicament. That's a relief. I was honestly worried you would attack me as soon as I let you out of the locker!"

"Eheheh, that's okay! You're just nervous!" "I suppose... but onto mode imortant things, do you know why you would've been kidnapped?"

That was an ubrupt change of topic. Is the author getting too tired to write? Is inspiration running dry? Find out next time on Dragon ball- Journey to the- DOKI DOKIRONPA! (Nailed it.)

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