Prologue Part 3

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A/N: The update schedule is gonna be garbage. Fair warning. Also a translator for a bit at the end: (yes yes, make fun of the fandom I'm in. Ranboo is fun to watch.) I recommend popping onto AO3 for this fic. It just looks better. Same username; same fic name.


A high-pitched voice rang through the gym, coming from one of the mechs that had burst into the room, "Okayyyy, quiet everyone! Shimmy down! Shimmy down!"

"No, no, no. 'It's simmer down,'" a higher-pitched feminine voice corrected.

"Uh, guys... I think the author messed up. We aren't supposed to be in frame yet," comments another voice.

And the author did mess up! The exisals quickly exit the gym, leaving everyone standing there in stunned silence. Sayori shifts her focus from the strange situation to the room she's in. The floor is made of lightly coloured planks of wood; a black circular logo sits in the center. At the front (or back?) of the gym is a large stage with large, heavy, open curtains. The gymnasium, like everywhere else she's seen, is overgrown. Its edges are covered in grass and bushes and the stage has a vine-like tree trunk growing from the stage and through the ceiling. There are splashes of leaves in three locations visible higher up on the trunk. Vines hang from the walls, most obviously around the large window letting in the midday(?) sun. The black ceiling is covered in an absurd number of spotlights; who needs so many? Just use the blinding bar thingies that most gyms use.

Shifting her attention back to the students, aside from Sayori and her friends, everyone is wearing a different school uniform. Kokichi wears a uniform similar to a man with spiked purple hair, a white-haired boy with a hat, and a burly man with wild greenish-brown hair; although, his uniform's colour only matches the spiky-haired man's. The spiky man has his buttons undone and a red shirt showing underneath. Almost everyone's uniform was neatly put together. Which is surprising, assuming they were also shoved into lockers.

"What...are they? What do they want with us?" asked the short guy in a surprisingly gruff voice.

"Do you want me to check on what's happening?" offered Kokichi.

"You can't! It's too dangerous out there!" interjected a busty girl with her bow undone and shirt open.

"It's likely that monster still lurks nearby..." adds a tall masked man.

"W–wait!" yells a blonde girl with hairpins, "Who are you guys? And why am I here?"

"That's what we all want to know, but right now, we should deal with the more pressing issue of the mechs," answers Monika curtly.

Actually...what reason is there to kidnap any of us? None of us are especially peculiar. At least, not strange enough to be kidnapped like this. Why is my memory so fuzzy? I can't remember ever doing anything that would get me trapped like this. I don't think it's human trafficking, considering we were so easily let out. Why are we all high school students? Why–

"Hey, Sayori, who's the guy with you?" asked Natsuki, snapping her friend out of her thoughts as Kokichi's head turned to look back at the group.

"Oh! This is Kokichi!"

"Hm..." Natsuki squinted at Kokichi, studying him for a threat.

"Hi...?" waved Kokichi, deeply uncomfortable with Natsuki's staring. (But who's actually comfortable when someone's doing that squinting thing?)

Seeming to find no immediate issue with him, she says, "Acceptable."


"Well, I'm Natsuki," she starts rather loudly, "This is Monika and Yuri."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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