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i hope you guys enjoy this one-shot, its a little fast, i will work on it over time to make better. just a warning that this is a sort of depressing chapter thing so if you dont like that kinda of stuff leave now. leave if you dont like flashbacks. okay? okay. (not tfios)

SONG : Northern Downpour by Panic! At The Disco

" I wish we could be like this forever, feeling infinite." i said into his chest. I had been quite depressed lately. My doctor prescribed antidepressants but they dont work. My only cure was him.

" I know baby, but i have to leave soon. You know I have work tomorrow." He sighed. I feel like a burden.

"Why can't you just spend the night here? Theres plenty of room." I was gonna start panicking if he left. He slowly got up.

"Luke, you know I can't, it's to far of a drive." His face was towards the door and i knew he really just wanted to leave.

"Babe please!" I insisted. "Just one night? you know how I get." I whispered the last part quietly. Almost Inaudible.

"God Luke why can't you understand, I'm trying to earn money so I can have a nice life. It's not my fault my hours start early and end late!" I could tell he was slowly getting angry. He wasn't very nice when he was angry.

"I know, I, just-"

"No i don't think you get it. I'm trying so hard provide for the both of us! So we can move in together and have a happy life! I don't see you doing anything! you just sit on your ass all day wallowing in self pity!" He did't understand the concept of depression, I couldn't do anything but that. I hated myself. Every time he came over we would always have this argument.

"I'm tired of you always telling me that! I can't help how i'm feeling! You don't understand, it's torture hating yourself. It just becomes worse when i dont have you here! I know you're working and trying to provide for us but I can feel your love fading." I tried not to cry but the tears streamed down my face despite my will to keep them at bay.

"Luke please! You know I love you and i can't stress that enough." He was starting to choke up, I could hear the way his accent sounded clogged. I pushed myself away from him. A natural reaction of mine.

"I'm tired of the fighting, tired of the arguing-" He cut me off.

"You make it sound like your tired of us!" His eyes turned red and he was biting his lip to suppress his sobs i knew were straining to come out. He stood up and looked at me, more like a glance. His back became turned to me. "If, that's what you're saying Luke then i guess we're over!" He walked to the door, grabbed his coat and stormed out of the door without so much as a goodbye or sparing me a glance. I wiped my eyes and nose with my sleeve. I didn't even know if he would come back. This was so much more than a little argument. He was never here anymore especially when i needed him most. So here I was, a balling mess on the floor. Wishing that he would walk through that door again, but he didn't.

I never saw him again after that. And I guess that's how it goes - I mean, it's scary because you're either going to marry that person or break up. We were so different, like the moon fell in love with the sun, stuck in the summer. And all i had left of him was our stupid, little, picture frames.


I suddenly shot up, wide awake with a tear- soaked face.


*cue tears*
Any questions are awesome and suggestions are awesome. I always love reading the comments. sooo vote? Share? thanks flowers! im gonna call my readers flowers. My first book should be up soon.

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