The Knife Game

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Jynx's favorite sign that they had up in their shop said something along the lines of 'I'm A Bad Influence... But Damn, I'm Fun' with flames along the bottom edge. It wasn't even one that they bought. The sign was given to them by one of the many regular college students that came to Murder Mittens Café. A lot of the decorations that they had, they didn't buy. It was nice to know that their cat café has become so much like a second home for people that others were willing to buy stuff to liven it up. Less money they're spending, anyhow.

The money Jynx does spend goes into equipment, ingredients, and cat supplies. All of that was expensive already, so they were honestly glad for the little bit of money that their customers spent on them. Hell, they even got them the hilarious open/closed cat sign on the door.

Speaking of that sign, Jynx huffed. They looked up at the clock (whose hands were cartoony bloody knives) that read 1:43 am. Realistically, they knew that they should've closed shop hours ago. Insomnia, however, had different plans for them. Jynx still felt the energy they had buzzing through their veins. The minutes went by too slowly, and there was only so much that a dozen trained cats could do to entertain them. So they were going to do what you do when you're bored out of your mind.

Play the knife game for the fifth time that night.

Jynx took a swig of the open bottle of whiskey beneath the counter as they prepared a fast song for the fun. Once it was ready, they grabbed a knife and took in a steadying breath. Slowly letting it out, they brought the knife with a terrifying speed that would make a normal person faint. Emphasis on normal. The blade sunk into the black countertop with a thunk. It was horrifyingly close to their thumb, but that made Jynx more excited to play.

Binx, Jynx's eyeless black Sphinx cat, meowed in question and turned his head in their general direction. Jynx grinned and softly blew into his face before kissing the top of his head. They didn't want to startle the poor thing more than they already have. "Don't you worry, Baby. I'm not even that tipsy, so I have full motor control!"

Jynx started up the song. "Oh, I have all my fingers. The knife goes chop, chop, chop. If I miss the spaces in between, my fingers will come off," they sang, purposely off-key. Some of the cats took that as an invitation to join in.

"And if I hit my fingers, blood will soon come out. But all the same, I play this game, 'cause that's what it's all about." The song in the background was picking up in speed, but Jynx couldn't hear it over their pounding heart. With red-stained cheeks and the sound of rushing blood pounding in their ears, they continued.

"Oh, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, I'm picking up the speed. And if I hit my fingers, then-" The bell rang.

With the manliest scream ever heard, Jynx threw the knife at the poor, unsuspecting person who walked in.


The blade sunk into the doorframe, just inches away from pinning an ear into it. As much as Jynx was relieved about that, they weren't too worried about if it were to get blood or marks on it. With the doorframe being the dark black that it is, such defilement wouldn't be seen unless you were looking for it. Not that Jynx has thought about it before. It was just a simple observation, of course.

"Welcome to Murder Mittens Café! Please take a seat and look at our menu before ordering," they chirped as if they didn't throw a knife at the customer. Binx meowed in greeting as well, making Jynx's heart melt. They snapped twice and put her hand in front of the black cat. Being the eyeless beauty he was, he swatted the air a couple of times in search of their hand before giving it a high five. Binx purred at his accomplishment.

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