Chapter 3

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My first four periods passed by fast. Before I knew it it was lunch. I got a little lost but the same guy Colton came to my rescue. When we entered the cafeteria everything was hectic. Me and Colton grabbed our lunches and headed to the back of the room to an empty lunch table.
Slowly all these big scary dudes come to the table and start talking to Colton me being me I'm scared. "Um..... I'm just gonna go." I say but the look Colton gives me scared me even more. "No your gonna stay here and entertain my friends." Not knowing what to do I just sit there scared.
All of a sudden there's anther dude but the t look on Colton's face tells me they aren't friends. "What the hell do you want Ian?" Colton asks not so nicely. "The girl said she wanted to leave so why can't you leave her alone Colton?" Ian looks at me and smiles. "Come sit with me and my friends I doubt they are as scary as these goons." I nod getting up as fast as I can. "Thank you." I say. He just smiles and leads me away from the "bad boys".

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