Chapter 1

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I look at the small two story house that I will be calling home. My name is Amya white and I'm 17 years old and I just moved from the Bronx in New York to the small town of Greens Ville.
My mother puts her hand on my shoulder. "Isn't it lovely Mya?" My mother asks my we a sweet smile. Even though I grew up in the big city I always wanted to live in a small town where everyone knew each other. I nodded "can I go pick my room?" I asked since I was a only child I'm actually a miracle child my mother was supposed to never have kids but here I am.
I enter the big 3 room 4 bath house. Each room had its own personal bath plus the one down stairs. I walk around till I found the room I wanted.
Nice royal blue walls with a dark wood trim and a walk in closet. I tell my parents what room to put my stuff in and start to unpack remembering I start my senior year of high school tomorrow for some reason I can't help but think this year is gonna be interesting.

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