Bonus Information

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🔎Amai Saihara🔍
Height - 5'4
Age - 16
Occupation - Detective
Hair color - Dark Purple/Blue | #323351
Eye color - Dark Green | #506C1E
Birthday - February 15th

Growing up in an abusive household, most nights she'd stay up just staring at the sky next to Naichi or her sister. The sky is her safe place, she could get away from all of her responsibilities. She's a great detective, however often overworks herself with schoolwork and detective work.

🎲Naichi Oma🎲
Height - 4'10
Age - 15
Occupation - High Schooler | Music Club President
Hair color - Purple | #5D4D7C
Eye color - Red, Blue | Blue: 016AF7 Red: FB0101
Birthday - October 30th

She grew up in a neglectful family, rarely ever tending to her. Amai was always the person she felt safe with, they both knew they could trust each other. Naichi has become very independent, teaching herself how to cook, and she's quite great at it.

Height - 5'3
Age - 16
Occupation - Assistant (Robot)
Hair color - Grey-Ish purple | #EDF0FF
Eye color - Dusty Purple | #51456A
Birthday - September 26th

She was created intending to be nothing more then an assistant for people. When she's realized her creator had just created her to get money from her services, she ran away that night, however this caused her to now be in this horrible killing game.

🍊Ayako Kou🍊
Height - 5'2
Age - 19
Occupation - College Student
Hair color - Lavender | #E8B6FF
Eye color - Light blue, Light green | Blue: #35E16 Green: #59E474
Birthday - January 22nd

From a very early age, she's been interested in many things. Art, music, gardening, etc. She's always loved helping people out no matter the issue, she'll help to the best of her ability.

🌺Shumi Rin🌺
Height -
Age -
Occupation -
Hair color -
Eye color -
Birthday -

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