Author's Note

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Dear Reader,

        Hello. I'm Sam and welcome to this. I began writing this "novel" when I was in the 7th grade. I didn't think much of it because I always seemed to pick up a topic, write about it, then abandon the project altogether. But after writing 20 pages of Lost In the Space Between, I couldn't seem to let these two boys go. I felt a connection (which sounds weird, I know, bear with me) with Oliver and Jackson, and leaving them in the folders of my Google Drive seemed cruel. So I've decided to share their story with the world, and decided to let their voices be heard. Welcome to the world of teenagers, high school, drugs, love, and pain. Enjoy your stay. 


This book is mainly for users who are over the age of 14. I don't believe I have the power to prevent younger viewers from reading this, but I would advise you not to. I don't want your mothers hunting me down for teaching you about inappropriate acts. Please be wary that there will be mentions of drugs, abuse of alcohol, and others that many may be uncomfortable with. Please proceed with caution. You have been warned. 

Without further a do, 

Enjoy Lost In the Space Between by @eqwuinox .

(aka me, Sam)  

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