Following the Noise

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I quickly, out of reflex, stopped the car. I lowered the window all the way and looked around my surroundings. I squinted my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I grunted in frustration. I quickly opened the car door. I heard a bell clink against medal. At the corner of my eye I see a four legged creature. A low growl sung through the bewildered trees. I slowly fixed my gaze to the creature and see a petite looking German sheperd glaring at me through its cute gaze. The street lights reflect on the dog's cherry red collar. It's ears are back as if it's being threatened. It's upper lip rising and showing its frontal kanines. It stepped closer to me. It stopped growling and perked it's ears up. Excitement flashed through the critter's eyes. The dog started panting. It's tongue is sticking out, and it's making a slurping noise. I have a smug grin on my face. I lowered my right hand to pet it. She grasped her gaze towards my hand, and licks it. Goops of drool stains my hand. I giggle in amusement. Wait, giggle? What am I, five? I guess this dog brings out the child in me. I huff,"I guess I'll have to take you in". I lift up the tag on her collar. It read,'Mocha- Do not return'. I shriek. I get to keep him! Yass!!! She barks excitedly, then jumps in my car, reading my mind. I guess I have a new security guard inmate!

How Mike and Mocha Met (a fnaf Shortstory)Where stories live. Discover now