It was like any normal day in New Mouse City. Geronimo was working at his office and getting his birthday present ready for Benjamin, today was his birthday. Trap and Thea were also getting ready for Ben's birthday. Suddenly, Benjamin and Pandora co...
Trap checks his watch and sees it's 5:53 AM now. They know Moondrop is lurking around and had to find a exit. They decided to head to the main entrance to escape. They bypass all the security bots knowing Glamrock Chica was still around. Thea checks her watch to see it's now 5:55 AM. They made it to the elevator to take them to the entrance. As they did, they heard Vanessa's voice.
"Hey, Stiltons. Do you know what time it is? The doors are open. Why are you still here? You plan on moving in or you just a job? Maybe join the internship program? You would make great security guards. Benjamin and Pandora, I think you deserve a reward. Go check the main stage." Vanessa said.
Pandora checks her watch to see it is now 5:56 AM. Almost there. After hearing Vanessa, they knew not to trust her, considering that she tazed them before. Now it's 5:57 AM, according to Geronimo's Fazwatch. Finally, it was 6:00 AM. They soon were at the entrance where Rodrick was waiting for them. When he saw Nick with them, tears started to come up, he rushed over and gave Nick a big hug.
"I was so worried about you, son." Rodrick said crying a bit.
"It was the Stitlons who found me." Nick said pointing to them. Rodrick got up with Nick by him and smiled.
"Thank you Stiltons, for finding my son." Rodrick said.
"It was our pleasure. Now we can leave." Geronimo said. Benjamin climbs out of Freddy and heads to the door.
"Freddy! It's open! Let's go!" Benjamin said.
"No, I cannot exit the facility." Glamrock Freddy said.
"Of course you can! Come on! We can hide you somewhere." Trap said.
"Without a recharge station, my systems would shut down within an hour. It is a safety precaution. It is my design. This is where I must stay. Do not return. It will never be safe. I will miss you all." Glamrock Freddy said.
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"Freddy, if we leave now, nothing will change, will it? There will be more disappearances." Benjamin said.
"Yes, I am afraid that is correct." Glamrock Freddy said.
"Guys, we can't go, not yet. What about that rabbit? If she's not stopped, more kids will disappear." Benjamin said.
"He's right, Geronimo. We have to stop her." Thea said.
"Sooooo... what's the plan?" Trap asked.
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"Stiltons, you have a choice to make. The doors open and you can go. Or you can continue to investigate the secrets of the PizzaPlex. I feel there is something else going on besides the white rabbit." Glamrock Freddy said.
"What's it going to be?" Pandora asked.
Geronimo thought deeply on this. They could go and forget that this night ever happened or... They stay fighting the dangers in this place and stop the white rabbit from kidnapping. He knew what to do.
"We're staying." Geronimo said confident.
"You're staying? I am glad. Here. I found this Party Pass. There are areas we have not investigated." Glamrock Freddy said.
"You guys keep investigating, me and my son will look out for that rabbit." Rodrick said as Nick hops on to his father's shoulders. They then head off.
Back with the Stiltons, they needed to decide where to go.
"Where should we go?" Thea asked.
"I suggest we go to Fazer Blast. To get the Fazerblaster and shoot lasers." Trap said pretending to shoot a gun.
"Then Fazer Blast it is." Benjamin said.
So they decided to head to the atrium to go to Fazer Blast. They gave the party pass to the bot and went in. Inside was space themed and a bot gives them instructions on how to play. They need to capture the enemy's flag and guard it from the alien bots. Each of them grabbed a Fazerblaster and went inside. There were 3 flags to catch in the room. Chica turned out to be in the room. The blaster stunned her well. It was tough, but they managed to protect the flags from the alien bots. Finally, they won.
"That was awesome!" Trap said.
"You have defeated the alien army! Good job, Space Cadets! Proceed to the winner's elevator for your reward." The Announcer said.
Well done, superstars! You won the Fazerblaster. Now, go collect your prize from the Super Lounge."Glamrock Freddy said.
They then put the blaster back and went to the Super Lounge. On a stand, was a gold Fazerblaster. Benjamin then grabs it and they see a vent.
"Where does this vent go?" Benjamin asked.
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"Let's find out." Geronimo said. They crawl into it and discover it leads them high above the lazer tag room. They also discover a secret room above there. Inside was a computer, an arcade, a bed, and on the wall was the name Vanny.
"Freddy, guys, that rabbit lady's in a secret room above Fazer Blast. It looks like a hideout. I think her name is Vanny." Benjamin said.
"Vanny." It is very similar to Vanessa... and Bunny. That can not be a coincidence." Glamrock Freddy said.
"It is strange that we don't see Vanessa and this "Vanny" together." Thea said.
They decided to leave before Vanny does show up. Geronimo was thinking hard now knowing about this new piece of evidence. Is it possible that Vanessa is Vanny? That would explain things here. She's a security guard like Rodrick, which means she would have access to the system to reprogram the security bots and the animatronics. Her disappearance and reappearance makes sense on when they saw her. It was obvious that Rodrick wasn't involved with this. But why do this? Kidnapping kids? What for? It also seems like this Vanny is not the mastermind behind of this. Someone else is pulling the strings on this.