Winter In Scotland Of Sorts

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They say that the wild haggis doesn't exist, so they say. Wee furry thing that's quite shy and reclusive, very hard to spot, not too vicious unless really threatened.

But of course they don't exist, right? So they say. Unicorns don't exist after all and they're Scotland's national animal.

Now bear in mind that it's pretty much winter now, Scotland's fourth or fifth in a single year or maybe sixth, you start to lose count after a while. We do get a warm day at times, even a warm week, but this is Scotland so take it with a grain of salt.

Any way being winter then the furry wee beasties of the land will be looking for warm places in order to keep warm so always be sure to check you cars and the like in case any cats, for example, have crawled in to enjoy a nice warm engine. And anything else small and furry that's looking for warmth.

And I think something just crawled up your leg looking for warmth, don't panic, the wild haggis will only bite if threatened so I'm told. They do seem to like the warmth of a cis gender, Non-trans, male the most, no idea why, so you may want to avoid trying to swat them off you when they crawl up your leg unless you really want a wee bit of surgery, appointments are nae easy to get these days so might be best to not do that.

And now you've swatted it, panicking isn't going to stop it from biting down hard! DON'THIT IT! Oh great, I'll call an ambulance. And now you've angered the unicorns, STAMPEDE!

The joys of winter in Scotland, right? Do mind the wee wild haggis, they are just trying to keep warm after all. And something's just crawled up your leg as well.
And you just had to be wearing a kilt, why not just strap a neon arrow pointing up your legs saying 'Here Haggis, here Haggis'. Just asking for trouble.

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