Part Three

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The corridor led before long to a large stone doorway, carved with yet more of the hieroglyphs that they had observed earlier.  In addition, the doorway depicted a temple over which some form of creature loomed, though where its head and arms should have shown, chunks of stone were missing, shrouding its identity in mystery.

Every so often a zombie showed its head behind them, to be met by gunfire to drive it off.  Of the pygmies no sign had been seen since the expedition had entered the temple.

"It would be for the best if we could fine the way out sooner rather than later," Sir Richard noted, "Else we may find ourselves short of ammunition before long.  Most of our spare ammunition is still loaded aboard the mule."

"We can't be too hasty about this," Doctor Gooding responded, studying the door.  "It would be pertinent to check the door over before we simply open it, given past experience."

"Perhaps we can be pertinent in an expeditious manner?"

"I shall do the best I can, laddie, just leave me to study this."

A glowing stick in hand, Doctor Gooding closely inspected the door, speaking quietly to himself.  From time to time Sir Richard overheard what it was that he was saying, mostly matters of little sense to him, either being in some foreign lingo or concerning things that he did not understand.

Obadiah, who had been checking over the native rendered unconscious by the blowgun dart, reported to Sir Richard on the man's condition.

"We got the dart out, sir, and he appears to be stable.  Maybe recovering a little, but we as yet do not know how long it will last before he can walk on his own."

Sir Richard stroked thoughtfully at his moustache.  "We shall have to hope that too many of us are not likewise afflicted, for we could be in for a spot of bother trying to make our escape if we are forced to carry a few."

"I am more concerned if we can not find the Doctor's back door out.  Even if we do, it is a long trek back to Cape Colony without horses or supplies, especially if those little blighters hound our steps."

"Faith, Obadiah.  It will all work out.  It generally does."

"Indeed, sir," Obadiah responded, yet he did not sound entirely convinced.

A rush of feet sounded from the entrance, marking a large cluster of zombies pushing their way in.  Guns began firing, bullets thudding away into their animated bodies.  Behind the initial group of zombies stood a number of pygmies, using the cover of their minions to shoot blowguns.  A couple of natives were struck, while one dart impacted the door scant inches from Doctor Gooding's head.

The pygmies pressed on, using the bodies of their minions as cover, with more of the unnaturally mobile corpses shuffling forward to replace those lost in the exchange.

"Doctor, things are getting rather uncomfortable hereabouts," Sir Richard coolly noted, firing again down the corridor with his revolver.  "An exit around about now would be most appreciated."

"I'll do what I can, laddie, but some will be guess work."  His hands touched certain parts of the door and the wall, and at them, stonework shifted, grinding inwards.  "I can never remember how that myth went.  Did the great serpent swallow the sun or spit it out?"

"Is it much of a concern?"

"Oh, aye.  If I choose the wrong one, we may just end up dead."

"Given the alternative," Obadiah pointed out, "It may be the lesser of two evils."

"Aye, well, you may have a point."  For a moment his hand hovered over one part of the door before quickly moving to another part and pressing against it.  For a few seconds nothing occurred but then the door ground open slowly, revealing a chamber beyond.

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