Bigger Family

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It was good that Variel now had plenty to do, for he didn't see or hear anything from the king for the next few days, except for the invitation to the welcome of the Queen Mother that Tanier had announced to him.

The following day, Variel came to the library with a stack of blank parchment, a quill, and a bottle of ink. He quickly located the books he desired and set himself up at one of the smaller tables off in a corner, staying out of the way of the library's other visitors and away from the noise. He spent the next few days copying down equations, elements tables, and all manner of useful graphs and diagrams he thought might be useful. The hours seemed to fly by, and he was almost surprised when he realized it was time to get ready for the welcome ceremony. He hastily organized his things and headed back to his room to bathe and dress himself in finery.

Hopefully, the Queen Mother wouldn't dislike him as much as many of the others seemed to. He wasn't in competition with her, of course, but the prejudice went far beyond that.

When an important member of the family returned from an extended trip or vacation the return usually evolved into a minor festivity. People would usually line the streets to see the entourage and the court gathered for a welcome.

While Tanier got dressed, he replayed last night's conversation. He had met his mother at a palace right outside the capital that could conveniently used as a last stop before the official return. He had returned late at night, for they had talked for hours. Letters could only convey that much. Amongst other things, he had given her his opinion on the girls she would meet. Of course she was most interested in the girl who was not a girl at all, but a boy. Not much that Tanier told her was news to her, yet she was silent for a long moment, after he had finished. Then she smiled. "You like the boy, don't you?" Tanier nodded, very much aware that his mother had picked up so many things that he did not even talk about. "Be careful," she said. "Everyone is wondering about you and the boy. They will forgive you for accepting him. How can they not? Everyone loves a good story and a little gossip. But they will not so easily forgive you, if it looks like you actually love the boy. It would raise many uncomfortable questions and could be seen as an insult to all the houses who dutifully send you their finest daughters year after year." - "I know," Tanier replied. He was looking for a good excuse, anything that would explain, why Variel deserved special treatment, anything that did so without him sounding pathetic, but he could not really find the right words. His mother watched him, as the silence grew between them. Finally she spoke: "You deserve a little fun, a bit of happiness and maybe even love, but make sure that you will not trip and fall over your foolish heart, will you?" Again he nodded. There was nothing to explain. She knew. About his feelings, his worries, and everything.

He knew she had accepted Variel and the fact that he mattered to Tanier. He was still nervous about her opinion when she would finally meet him. He hoped that she would see at least a glimpse of what he began to see in Variel, but he suspected that whatever she would see, it would tell her more about him than about the young noble.

His mind was still wandering as he sat on the throne in the grand audience hall, waiting. His eyes roamed from one group of people to the next. Everyone who was someone at court was here, just as well as delegations for most important groups. It was the first time since the incident produced by Elina that Variel was amongst the girls, standing to he left, pretty close to the throne, while most of the royal family was gathered on the right. Tanier looked in his direction, but didn't really see him.

Finally, a fanfare announced the arrival of the queen mother at the palace. It still took several long minutes, until the huge doors opened to admit her. She was wearing a formal dress with a long train, a fur coat and jewelry that easily weighed several pounds. She was rather small, almost petite, but her slender form exuded strength. Her black hair was interspersed with strands of grey, but instead of making her look old it made her appear more dignified, just as the wrinkly face with the lively eyes. But it was her mouth that looked a lot like Tanier's and that gave away that they were actually mother and son.

As soon as she stood in the door, the king stood as well and crossed the room to greet her. Right in the middle of the room they met. It all seemed completely effortless and probably both of them had spend so much time with official functions at court that for them this was second nature. Tanier bowed down to kiss his mother, took her arm and started to introduce her to the people who had come to greet her.

Variel was making a point to face forward, not to look sideways at the girls he stood near. He did happen to catch some glances from some of them, but the blond girl beside him - Ire - didn't look nearly as uncomfortable as the others were around him. In fact, she didn't even seem to be paying him any attention, which was what he wished the others would do. He noted Elina's absence and wondered idly what had become of her.

Fortunately, when the Queen Mother arrived, all attention was on her and the king, and everyone stood tall, waiting to be introduced. As nervous as he was in public, Variel - like the others - had been trained for social functions since before he could walk, so he put on a smile and bowed graciously to the elderly woman. "It is an honor to meet you, Your Grace," he said before straightening up. As calm as he looked, his heart was thudding against his ribs.

The woman smiled at Variel. The smile was rather formal, but her lively eyes conveyed and interest that was more than superficial. "I am pleased to meet you, Lord Variel. I hear that you have a remarkable scientific mind and that my son is quite fascinated by it." It was a compliment similar to those she found for the other girls. Yet Tanier kept admiring, how his mother managed to distribute her favours and nice words evenly and according to rank and status and still managed to add a personal touch. In this particular case he was pretty sure there was also a hint for him - and everyone else who may want to hear it -, as to what qualities of Lord Variel should get anyones attention. To be honest, there were other things that fascinated him a lot more about Variel than his scientific mind. Chances were, his mother was aware of it and just for a moment the king was hoping that he was not blushing. It was a good thing that he had to make another introduction.

After the formal greeting a far more informal part followed, where the attending members of the court had a chance to actually meet each other and talk. After all for many of them this was a reunion after a long time spent apart. Most of the girls stayed as close to the king as possible, but for most of the time he basically ignored them, including Variel.

Variel only spoke with a few people during the event, and all were just for the purposes of formality. Some of them talked of how they knew his father and what a great man he was, and Variel pretended to be pleased and smiled politely and all those practiced behaviors.

He couldn't say he was upset to see the event end, though he wasn't sure when he'd see his king again.

Fortunately, he had the distraction of the library and his brainstorming to keep him occupied during the next week. He didn't leave himself much time to get lonely or even anxious about the coming trip. When the day grew closer, he did start packing what he thougth he would need, and this included some of his unfished notes along with quill, ink, and parchment to make more.

The Birth of Ignaius - (Part 2 of the Ignaius-Saga)Where stories live. Discover now