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one out of two one-shots (001)

These days my life feel past it's purpose.


𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄 worries, it's dumb really, and a little ironic now, because nothing interest him more than looking outside. In the corner of his room, above his bed— his window covered with curtains is his favorite spot. Freddie knows when to look out of the curtains late at night, so he keeps his alarm ready for 3:00 AM, and plugs his pear-phone into his ear to hear without his mother waking up.

No one goes out at this time, and it makes Freddie interested once he looks out the window once more. Hence curiosity pushes off the edge, and he can't help but watch out his window to see what silence looks like in Seattle.

Like planned, no one wakes up early in the morning, and Freddie looks through the window curtains watching helplessly curious if his efforts were worth his time. Marrissa, Freddie's mother, used to tell him sleep was necessary if he wanted to be well by morning— oh, how she was right, but so wrong in Freddie's childish manor.

Sam would tell him, "You're crazy if you think I'm going to sleep at nine o'clock, nub. I have all the time in the world, but that doesn't mean you can relive yesterday, or guess what will happen tomorrow." Back then, he laughed, shrugging off her words. "Live like the world will end any second now." Sam told him. Forget his mother, Freddie thought, Sam had some kind of realistic way of making everything make sense, he thought.

Freddie smiled thinking about Sam, and the old days they would mess with each other like a divorced couple. Weird how nice it sounds now, but a couple with Sam didn't sound so bad. She would treat him a bit better, he wondered how she would greet him then. Though he was sure Sam wouldn't change for him— he loved her the way she was.

It was then that Freddie nearly choked on the air he was breathing— did he just think about loving Samantha Puckett? Love was such a strong word. No one could take such a statement back, he thought. I must be delusional, Freddie stood up from his bed, and walked out his bedroom door, yup, this must be a dream if I'm thinking this way.

Little did Freddie know outside the Benson's apartment door Sam was seconds from picking the lock when she suddenly heard foot-steps walking toward her on the other side of the apartment. "Frednub?" Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion when she saw a very tired Freddie looking right back at her with a calm look. "Isn't three o'clock in the morning past your bedtime?"

Unknowingly Freddie smiled to himself thinking how crazy it was that Sam had suddenly shown up in his random dream world. "You're not my mom, you don't tell me what to do." He slurred his words when a sudden wave of sleep deprived tingle hit his brain with full impact. Freddie stumbled forward, and Sam caught him by his shoulders.

"What is with you, Benson?" Sam dragged him through the Benson apartment before she stopped realizing how clean the apartment looked. "Where's your bedroom?" She rolled her eyes when she realized how eager she sounded (there better not be a blush on my face, Sam thought).

"Right there..." Freddie pointed out to a door beside them, but almost fell off Sam's arms picking him up. "Woah... you look so real in my dreams... I must have a cool brain." Freddie stuttered this time leaning on his door for support.

"Yeah, like you would have a cool brain." Sam covered her mouth as soon as she spoke, realizing that she didn't whisper this time. To her mad luck a snore came from the apartment somewhere. Marissa snores? She almost laughed, but bit her lip so hard she would have to ask Carly for chap-stick later. "Come on Fredweiner, woah, why are you so heavy?!" She whispered, as dramatically possible in a whisper.

Slinging Freddie's arm around her shoulder, Sam carried him into his bedroom, and dropped him face first on his Galaxy Wars bed. She closed the door with a small click, and looked down at the sprawled out Freddie. "Are you drunk?" She asked bluntly.

"Drunk? Nah, I'm too young..." Freddie groaned, snuggling into his bed sheets.

"Of course you aren't." Sam sighed jumping next to Freddie on his bed. Looking to her side she looked Freddie in the face, a smile daring to creep on her. He beat her to it and grinned like the dork he was staring at Sam with sleepy brown eyes.

"You're still pretty..." Freddie moved under his sheets to sit up against his fluffed pillows. "I'm glad it still shows the same in my brain." He chuckled, though Sam covered his mouth to muffle the sound.

The blonde smiled then, and there in front of Freddie. "You think I'm pretty?" She chuckled this time believing that Freddie must be really out of it now. "You know, I think I like this version of you. Dorky-and-all-Fredward."

"I love you, Sam..." Freddie's neck moved to the side resting on Sam's shoulder.

Sam said nothing, her heart beating against her ribs fast enough to hurt even. She looked at Freddie, Freddie with his eyes closed... Freddie who thought he was dreaming, she thought. Sam gulped slowly, and watched as Freddie drifted off to sleep— small snores coming from his opened mouth. "So, I guess I can sleepover tonight. Carly said I couldn't stay over, because she found out about my secret." Sam whispered to Freddie's sleeping state. "It's dumb really, she had a dream that I was dating you, and she was the third-wheel. Weird, isn't it?"

"Us, dating..." Sam stared down at Freddie who now had his eyes half open, but she continued anyway when she realized that he was too sleepy to remember anything. "Sounds fun doesn't it? Us... dating... together... in love." Sam didn't know what was coming over her, but she felt a pain come through her— she didn't know what that kind of relationship felt like. "I think I'm dreaming." She watched as Freddie slower than her gradually closed in the spot between them.

Sam didn't want to miss a second of it, and Freddie closed his eyes again leaning closer to kiss her with his soft lips. "I like this dream..." Freddie cut off Sam's words, and they kissed... It wasn't easy to explain how long Sam waited for this moment. Not so long ago she claimed that she hated this boy... this dorky boy. Sam pulled back after eight seconds letting herself breathe in Freddie's bedroom.

"I love you too." Sam waited for Freddie to look up at her proving that she wasn't just imagining this, but his reply never came— he just snored fast asleep. "Right, I forgot sleeping beauty needs to think about it." She slowly moved his head off her shoulder, and stood up from his bed. "Me, personally thinking about all this, I just realized if Crazy saw me in here she'd kill us both, and it's best we get to do this again." Sam ran out of his bedroom, and creeped out of the Benson apartment with her jacket over her shoulder.

Really, she should've been mad that her best-friend didn't want her sleeping in their apartment, or that she just kissed a dork who believed she was in his dream, but now walking to her home and out of Bushwell Plaza she began thinking how mad she was at herself. Certainly, she was dreaming.

Dreaming... she could be with Freddie, always, forever...


𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄:This one-shot was based off my own experience. A very long time ago I had a dream that I was together with my best friend from school— after that, I had a crush on them. It wasn't real, but I felt it, and I regret never telling them, because now it's been years since I last saw them (they moved to another house).

I'm so bad— I wish I could forget my dream, but every second of it feels so real. Now it's like my brain won't forget about it. I know it was a dream, but aren't I supposed to forget about it some time... I don't know anymore. 

𝐢𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝘚𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦Where stories live. Discover now