Heal the broken heart

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They sat on either side of the table in court as they were about to sign the divorce papers.

Solicitor; "are you both sure this is what you both want,"  he asked several times he knew that this is not what they won't either but it was his job to keep asking until he had to ask them to sign the documents

They looked at each other, of course, it wasn't what they both wanted. They know deep down they love each other but they were too stubborn and scared to say no.

They both nodded, he handed andy and Robert a pen well then sign after you'll be free to go.

They took their time, it was only a small signature but again they were still having doubts once again.

solicitor; "Herrera, are you having problems with the pen."

Robert; "Andy," he shouts a little louder bringing her back to reality,

Andy; "hmm what," she said shaking her head pulling her thoughts

Solicitor; "does the pen work," he asked again

Andy; "yes the pen is fine." Seeing Robert put pen to paper she finally did too

Solicitor; "I'll get these finalised and get the divorce certificate to you." As they put the pen down

They both nod and thanked him

They walked out of the room in silence still nothing lifted off their shoulders if they were honest the feeling that they had in their chest was more painful.

They said their goodbyes got in their cars driving and went home to a different apartment
A divorce-happy man or woman would be celebrating happily down at the bar and drinking with their friends but Andy and Robert didn't feel like celebrating. They weren't happy

They were both lying to each other saying they were never happy together, saying their love for each other had gone. They knew on serval occasion they were happy and it wasn't because they were having hot sex together

Their love for one another was still there they just didn't have the energy to fight but now it's too late.

Diane was there for each other, she would talk to them separately once or twice a week. Robert also had Richard Webber who made sure he was staying on the right path.

With Andy, Diane told her to reach out to the people she loves and have them around her because since she signed the papers she hadn't been to 19 much and she knew no one would come to 23.

Since the divorce, Andy trained none stop which in a way helped her to keep her mind busy and not the fact that she's no longer something to Robert.

one morning she began to have what she thought was bellyache maybe she ate something bad or she was coming down with a sickness bug or the start of her  period but as the day went on it got worse and then she started bleeding which as she thought was a period so she carried on with the day but her pain was getting to her more and more by the night she realised that this isn't a period and the was too much blood and clots she had no choice to turn to her friend

Theo picked up the phone it was Andy that was ringing.

Theo; "hey Andy what's up," he heard heavy breathing and crying and winced in pain. Again he asked if she was alright.

Vic; "what's wrong is she ok," Vic was beside Theo the look on his face knew something was up

Andy; "I--- I need your help, please can you come over don't tell anyone else just you." She asked

Theo; "sure is everything alright," he asked as it sounded like she was crying

Andy; "I'll tell you when you come over."

Theo went to Andy's apartment Vic went with him as she was slightly anxious about the conversation. She knew Vic would follow as she heard her in the background

Vic; "Hey Andy, it's me please let me in," she said knocking on the bathroom door.

Andy stepped away from the door letting Vic enter what she saw was horrifying.

Vic; "did you murder someone and get rid of the body," she asked as the amount of blood there was on the bathroom floor

Andy didn't laugh she was scared and in absolute pain

Andy; "I think I'm having a miscarriage," she said

The toilet wasn't flushed as Vic noticed blood and blood clots down the toilet.

Vic; "oh shit Herrera I didn't know, coming beside her does Sullivan know or is he not the father."

Andy; "It would have been Robert, a couple of weeks before getting the divorce we slept together. He came over to my place one night we argued non-stop I finally admitted that I was wrong about everything and I was sorry.

He then pushed me against the wall and started kissing me, then he picked me up taking me to the bed. He was so angry, I was so angry. Please don't tell him. He doesn't need to know" she said as more tears fell down her face

Vic; "come on let's get you to the hospital they can help you." She helps Andy up getting Theo to help.

Andy; "please don't tell anyone, Robert doesn't need to know let him carry on with his life without me."

Theo and Vic promised not to say anything. Andy Was in hospital for several days as she lost a baby her baby their baby.

One month passed

Robert and Andy saw each other on calls apart from work chatter they didn't really know what to say they smiled and got on with their tasks. They were like strangers

Andy carried on training day and night to become a stronger person to be able to stand up and tell her team that they'll be listening to her and when she gives orders she expects them to be followed if not then they are on desk duty and they all can ask Maddox how much of bitch she can be when they are on the desk duty.

Maddox; "I've already told you guys she's a monster if the paperwork ain't done to her standards she makes you do it again. I've learnt my lesson whatever she said to do I'm going it."

Andy; "Thanks, Maddox. I'm making big changes whatever crap you eat you ain't any more fruit and vegetables are being welcomed to this station a lot more being soon rather than later we are going to be training. They'll be no sex jokes anymore this fire station this house now has females in respect them"

The team laughed thinking she was joking

Andy; "what's funny do you like being last at a scene getting the rubbish jobs? Because I don't, 19 status is 28 seconds your is seven minutes and I hate it. I'm ashamed of that time.

So who's willing to join me and make station 23 a better place? I promise if we work hard then I'll speak to the chief and ask for a proper gym room. So what do you say who in"

The whole team; "ME"

Andy; that's what I thought, she said smiling, we'll start with jogging around the park and then slowly we'll build up on other exercises. So tomorrow morning before shift you'll meet me in the park

Whole team; yes captain

The next morning

Andy; good morning team, thank you for joining me, let's start by doing some stretches. The team seemed to be alright doing the stretches apart from Maddox who kept whining, which made all the team including Andy laugh

Andy; "doing great Maddox," she said laughing once they finished the stretches they started jogging halfway around the park and then back as it was time to get in uniform for a shift.

Fire station on fire All units to 28 E union street, Seattle, station fire

A call came through

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