Chapter 1: The Beginning

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          It all started one night, a long, long time ago. Well, 14 years ago to be exact. You see, I am the eldest unknown child of the famed Last Guest or Guest 1337. Maybe you've heard of him. Anyways, while the Great War between the Bacon Empire and the rest of Robloxia ended while I was still pretty young, I still have plenty of nightmares about my life before. My name is Isabella or Isi for short. I am a half guest, half pure blooded mix, and so is my younger twin brother Shiro. Because we looked more like Guests than pure blooded , we got kidnapped by the terrorists.

                I am 20 seconds older than Shiro, and both he and I are 3 years older than our little sister Charlotte. Shiro and I loved each other very much and even in the camp, we wouldn't leave each other's sides. One day however, he disappeared into thin air. No execution happened, no one claimed to be seen with him, he was merely gone. I'd sit at the doors of the sleeping paddock and just wait as if he would one day come back. "What are you doing? Why aren't you asleep missy?" the other Guests asked me every night.

                "Waiting for Bubba," I'd always say, "he'll come back one day."

                    I don't know why I believed that for as long as I did. I thought my whole life would be nothing but misery, pain, and blood-filled, but one faithful day, I would be free from these chains of torture. I started my day as usual, with no food, being worked to the bone, and getting whipped and beaten senselessly by the guards. I was 7 years old, and I was working on chopping wood for whatever those selfish, bumbling losers needed it for. I wasn't that strong even for a 7-year-old, and I had always found a way for my pathetic self to be physically abused as if it was medieval times. But one day I heard from the Bacon General, months before his death, say, "About that little brat of Guest 1337's, execute it immediately. There is no use for someone as pathetic as it is. Plus, if we kill it, The Last Guest should follow once his blood becomes boiled."


             Sweat flooded down my forehead as I felt fear consume my body. Some of the other Guests heard the General's words as well, and they stopped everything that they were doing with shock in their bruised, scarred, and black eyes. I broke down in tears and started thinking about how painful death would be, and worst of all, how heartbroken Dad and Mom would be. During my panic and meltdown, I heard a thundering booming sound followed by an intolerable pain that felt like my chest was being shredded from the inside. My vision became fuzzy as I looked down at my chest to see a gaping, crimson hole going straight to my heart. I fell to the ground and my breathing became sparse until finally, everything went black. The last thing I thought I would ever hear was, "Dump the body. Make sure that the police or Guest 1337 never find it."

                 That was the end for me, or so I thought. Call me M. Night Shymalan because this story takes a few twists and turns. Of course, I didn't die but only because I had a savior.

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