Elise 1

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After reprimanding her daughter, Elise quickly yet gracefully rushes into the great hall to greet the guests, members of royalty and nobility alike. The first family that catches her eye is the House of Everett, the Royal ruling family of Eastronvere, the house consists of King William Everett, his two children Princess Evelot and the youngest, Crown Prince Alester, and his wife, who Elise was hoping to avoid comes walking up to her.

Queen Joanette Elise says. Queen Elise! How lovely to see you again, Joanette says with a patronizing tone though she bows her head in courtesy. It is nice to see you as well, how fair is your home? Still glamorous! And I see yours is... surviving, Joanette says while looking around the castle in slight contempt.

Tallpoint is one of the greatest castle's in the four kingdoms Elise thought. I think Tallpoint fair's well for being the oldest and largest castle ever built, Elise says proudly.

Sure it does, oh! well look who it is! Elise turns around to see who Joanette is talking about, up walks King Brendon, Queen Joanette, it is an honor to have you back in Southernia. The honor is all mine your majesty, you are looking handsome as ever, Elise your a very lucky woman.

I'm well aware of that Joanette. Hm, now if you'll excuse me, I should go patroni-I mean socialize! with some of your noble vassals, aye Brendon? Joanette says jokingly as she turns around and walks away. I can't stand that woman. I've noticed Brendon says amusingly.

Where are the boys? Elise asks. Their coming. Just as he says it, up walks Crown Prince Tomen and young Prince Olyver. Hello, father, mother, Tonen says respectively. Good evening Tomen, Olyver,... Olyver? Elise stares at Olyver who is in tranced in reading a book. Olyver! Elise says as she grabs the book out of his hands. Mother! Why did you do that? Olyver asks annoyed. How many times have I told you? No distractions during diplomatic events, I'm glad you enjoy reading but now- Olyver cuts her off, Please mother! their all drinking and gossiping just like they always do.

Not for much longer, Brendon says as he grabs a goblet and a fork from a table, he taps the fork against the cup three times. May I have your attention please? Brendon says as the guests turn to look at him. Thank you all for coming, as we wait for the other guests I would like to explain my meaning behind this year's Four Kingdom Festival, No need!Brendon is cut off by a loud, deep, boisterous voice. Brendon looks across the room to see the King of Wesux and his two children entering the hall. King Brendon! It's been far to long, the western King says.

King Wroutus, thank you for joining us Brendon says. Now as I was saying, my meaning behind this year's festival is in hopes of building better relationships with our kingd- Brendon's cut off again, this time by Alayna.
Well hello everyone! Your princess has arrived! Elise looks up to see Alayna coming down the ballroom's staircase. Now the festival can start! Alayna says arrogantly.

Elise looks in horror as Alayna comes down the steps wearing the ugliest dress known to mankind, and her hair... truly horrific, she looked as if she had been struck with lightning, Elise rushes over to Alayna before she can step off the final stair.
Why? Elise asks, Why what mother? I'm just doing what you said, making sure this dinner goes "without problem" Alayna says mischievously.

Alayna I'm warning you Elise says quietly and sternly. Soo where's the man I'll be giving up my freedom to? Alayna asks. That's who I'm to marry? A voice says from behind, Alayna and Elise turn to see Prince Alester staring at Alayna in disgust. Well, Prince Alester! My handsome Prince, i hope I'm appealing enough for you, if I wasn't, what other reason would there be for you to marry me? After all that's all women are good for, that and obtaining a large army right father?

Enough! King Brendon says angrily. Ahem anyway, everyone please enjoy the rest of the festivities, my husband will I'm sure continue his toast once we have a private discussion on how to behave accordingly, Elise says while shooting Alayna a stern glare. Please excuse us, Brendon says while grabbing Alayna's arm and quickly leading his family out of the ballroom. As they exited Elsie wondered, where are the royals of Northrosi.

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