🍙Chapter 1🍙

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-No ones POV-
As Naruto woke up Kurama was not in his human form anymore. He is inside of Naruto again. Naruto stands up, and realize that he is in a forest. Then out of nowhere someone really creepy looking comes out. Naruto sense the aura that was coming from that Demon, and know it is a Demon. He doesn't have special sword. That is why he does the first thing that came into his mind. He uses his chakra to cut the head off of the Demon. To his surprise it worked. He figures out that he can still use his Chakra in this world, that means he is still as strong as he was in the other universe. After that Kurama tells him to just go and then they will see where they are.


Naruto and his best friend Kurama have arrive at a estate? He thinks. As the blond boy wants to continue going he hears to people talking about the Demon Slayer Headquarters he figure out that this place must be the headquarters, and went in.

"Ara~Ara~" He hears a woman saying. "Who are you?" The same woman ask him. He turns around to see a woman that looks like a butterfly next to him. "Ah...Hallo" He says awkward to the woman. The woman says "follow me" and the male, follows the female.

"Shinobu who is he?" asked Giyu Tomioka the water pillar also the water Hashira. "He was in front of the headquarters, and he gives another aura. A human aura but also a Demon aura." "So he is a Demon?" Asked the Wind Hashira that just came. The wind Hashira also known as Shinazugawa Sanemi. "Let's just tell Ubuyashiki-sama. He will know what we will do with him. Maybe he will even become a Demon Slayer. But I still wanne know what this Demon aura is." As Shinobu Kocho the Insect Hashira finish what she had to say the three went to Ubuyashiki-sama. "Hallo Kocho-san, Shinazugawa-san, Tomioka-san, and Uzumaki Naruto." Everyone looks at Naruto then at Ubuyashiki-sama wondering why he knows Naruto's name. Especially Naruto and Kurama. "Rikūdou-san already tolled me that you'll arrive soon. I wanted to inform the other Hashira's about your arrival. Naruto Uzumaki do you want to become a Demon Slayer?" "I know a Demon Slayer is their to hunt down demons. But what is it exactly? And what is the Demon Slayer Corps? I heard two people talking about it" "The Demon Slayer Corps (鬼き殺さつ隊たい, Kisatsutai) is an organization that has existed since ancient times, dedicating its existence to protecting humanity from demons. And Demon Slayer hunt down Demons. Like what you said." After Ubuyashiki's explanation Naruto agreed to become a Demon Slayer. "The Final Selection is in one month. It is normally impossible to learn breathing techniques in one month. But Rikūdou-san tolled me you will definitely make it.He also tolled me about your past... I'm sorry for what happened. And I know about the Tailed-beast inside of you. His name is Kurama" "Yeah.. But don't worry he is a good guy!" "I know. I just wanted to say he is welcome here as long as he don't kill someone innocent." "Thank you!" "Tank you" the Hashira's their are confuse but Ubuyashiki-sama tolled them to not worry. "And before I forget your new master who will teach you Breathing techniques are: Shinobu Kocho, Giyu Tomioka. If their are no more problems you will start training tomorrow. Kocho is it OK that he will live in the Butterfly Mansion? And also Timioka so you two can train him?" "No, there's no problem." With that Naruto thanked them, and the 3 make their ways to the Butterfly Mansion. Sanemi is already gone, as Ubuyashiki-sama was talking he got a mission.


"Ara~Ara~ We are here" Shinobu tolled the two boys. The three people go in and Shinobu shows them their rooms.
A week later 

- Still No ones POV-
Naruto has been training for a week now and he is doing very well, to Shinobu's and Giyu's surprise. Today he will create his own Breathing form.

"Are you ready?" "Yes!" With that Naruto start to create his own Breathing Technique and forms.

Days later

Naruto has been creating his own Breathing technique for days. Giyu and Shinobu came to help him here and there but it is his own Breathing so he must do it alone with a little help. And guest what? He created his own Breathing after 14 days of hart training. His Breathing is called Chakra Breathing, in this breathing he combines Chakra and Breathing techniques. He also have a special Breathing that is called jinchūriki Breathing. In this Breathing he not just combine his Chakra. He combines his Chakra, with Kurama, the Bijuu's Chakra. This form is special 'cause it is very strong.

As I already said Naruto made his own Breathing technique, and the final selection is in 5 days. Shinobu tolled him to rest this 5 days he have. And exactly that is he doing.


As Naruto walks past a room he hears noises and spikes a little. He sees a beautiful girl around his age, who is suckling a patient. He stays their for some minutes and then continues going to his room. He lies on his bed and begins to think about this girl. "It looks like someone has a crush" "No, I have not!" says Naruto back. "I didn't say who" "...." "he-eh😏". With that Naruto fells asleep thinking about her, 'cause she reminds him of a Butterfly.

Hope you like this Chapter. See y'all in the next one.

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Words: 964

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