🍙Chapter 4🍙

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-No ones POV-
Y/N, Kanao and Naruto have arrived at the Butterfly estate.

"Ohayo Aoi-san" The three greets after seeing Aoi around the corner. "Ohayo*smiles*you are earlier than I expected. Go to the patient room next to Shinobu's Medicament office. I will be there in 15 minutes." "Okay thanks/OK/OK, thanks Aoi-san" the three said in unison again.

"Y/N-chan? Or Kanao-san?" "Yes?" "Do you know a good Rahmen shop on the near?" "Ehm... Yes, but it is in the City." "OK thank you" Naruto thanked the h/c-ette girl.
"Kanao-san where are you going?" "...." "Where?*wiggles eyebrows*" "Too Tanjiro-kun" "oooohhh~ I see my sis wanne see her boyfriend" "They are dating?" "Yes. Infact almost everyone here is dating someone." "Who??" Naruto asked, as the thin black haired girl left the room, and the two teenagers began to talk.

"So who now??" "Tanjiro the one with the mark on his forehead is dating my sister Kanao-san. Inosuke is dating Aoi-san, Zenitsu is dating Nezuko-chan even though at the beginning it was very difficult to convince Tanjiro to let Zenitsu date his younger sister. I think it took a half year and more..." "........." "Giyu the water Hashira or water Pillar is dating my Nee-san Shinobu. Even though she sometimes bully him but just so it is funny? Idk, I don't understand their relationship, tbh." "A-and you?" "What about me?" Y/N asked with a clueless face. "D-do y-you date anyone?" Naruto ask shyly. "No" Y/N blushed. "He-He" 'what?' "See who is trying to hook up with the girl" 'I have right now better things to do than to fight that I don't. And where were you all the time?' "I was sleeping, because I got tired" 'of what?' "You *background music* ooohhh" '😐😑 where does the music come from?' "My phone TikTok" "Ayo, Kurama stop breaking the 4th wall" "OK. Now by Author-chan" "Bye Kurama-san! Bye Naruto-kun!"

"Your check up is finish. Nothing is broken just some injuries. And you just have to rest." Aoi-san tolled them as she tolled Kiyo-chan to get some bandage' for the next patient.
"Now go to sleep. You don't have any broken bones, but you guys need rest!" "Yes Ma'am!" "*Rolls eyes* goodnight"

Then they went to sleep.

"Where am I?" "Hallo Y/N" "M-muzan Kibutsuji?! Where am I? What do you want? Where's my Katana?" "Calm down*sigh* I just want to talk

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"Where am I?" "Hallo Y/N" "M-muzan Kibutsuji?! Where am I? What do you want? Where's my Katana?" "Calm down*sigh* I just want to talk. And you are sleeping, this is not exactly a dream because we are actually communicating. I was able to establish contact with you, and i am here to talk about my son or otherwise my successor." "What? You have a son? How? Did you get pregnant or something? Aren't you a guy?" "....long story..." "OK" "pls sit I think it's going to be a little long talk"

"It all started when I knew that Tanjiro could defeat me.

I planned to turn a person into a demon, but not anyone, someone that I would give away a lot of my blood, one that I trained, someone that would continue what I started"


"I was planning the 'perfect successor'. I knew Tanjiro would defeat me so I gave my son half and more of my blood.
Then when I died or, some minutes before I turned to ashes, I saw all the faces of the Demon Slayer, how happy they were that there were finally no more demons, that the people could live normally again. Without fear of dying  every night when they are not careful. Then my whole life ran past me like a movie ... that was the moment when I saw what I had done and how many innocent people I had killed. I thought it was all over now, until I remembered I had a successor.

From your face I can see that you definitely wonder why I tell you all this, or why I wanted to contact you....
You see I'm very Sorry about what I did... I know I'm not the best person, but I want to help to turn my son a.k.a successor to a good person or defeat him. That is why I am going to tell you where he hides."

"Before you continue, you say you are sorry. But how am I going to trust you? How do I know you are saying the truth? And of all Demon Slayers, of all Hashira's why do you wanted to contact me? Why not someone else? I know I'm strong, but wasn't Tanjiro-san the one that defeated you? The Hashira, Kanao-nee, Zenitsu-san, Inosuke-san, we helped to defeat you yeah, but you said it 'I knew Tanjiro would defeat me'. So why me of all people?"


"To be honest, I don't know. Something was telling me you are the right person, I could easily contact someone else, but something is telling me that you are the one I should contact.
And you don't know if I'm saying the truth. You have to trust me in this. I know it is hard to trust the person you hated the most but pls try to." "hn"

"Okay, where does your 'son' or successor hide?"

"If he his hideout is still where I used to hide him, then it is in the village vacotio. You must go northeast to get there.-"

"Muzan? Why are you fading?" "Your are waking up." "No that's not good... Can I somehow communicate with you even though I'm not sleeping? Can I even still communicate with you?!" "I don't think so" "then this is bad" "One more thing: you need someone to accomplish you. Someone strong that you trust and love, but it can't be one of the Hashira's or Tanjiro with his sister, because I already showed them to my successor he knows them. All their weaknesses, Breathing style and techniques- Oh. Good luck and Goodbye Y/N."


Konbanwa Everyone!
I Have good and bad news...
Bad is....
I have Corona/Covid-19😣😞😔
Good news I am STILL writing this Story!
Even though I have Corona I am completely fine....for some reason.
I mean is not THAT bad to have Corona, everyone talking about how bad it is. Me chilling and haven an evil grin/smirk how my friends are at school learning some sh!t while I'm watching MHA, HXH, etc.😗😀
So its not that bad.

It was fun writing this Chapter. Hope you liked reading it.
Bye and a good day/night

Word count: 1115

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