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Chapter 1391 is not selfish

  The New Year picture is just a lively event. This year, Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen are both in the city. Shen Dazhu made several phone calls to Shen Sanzhu before agreeing, and the whole family will come here to celebrate the New Year.

  No one can enter the compound. Her fourth brother's family now lives here, and Shen Yiyi is more relieved.

  When she bought the small white building, she only saw that it was big enough and there were no neighbors around. The picture was the tranquility.

  Since he knew what kind of person Sun Lanshu was, Shen Yiyi didn't feel that having no neighbors was an advantage if he had such worries.

  Think about such a big yard and a backyard with a large area. To be honest, if someone sneaks in, it's easy.

  What's more, her fourth brother is in the unit during the day, and her fourth sister-in-law and two children are at home.

  Alas, that was a high gate compound after all. The people who lived in that yard before were all big families. It must be a slave house with everything. Of course, I am not afraid of the size of the yard.

  Now think about it, for so many years, thanks to the He Dashan family in the first place, so many children later lived in.

  Although the old and the young are small, but after all, a yard is noisy and full of people, and any culprit is willing to enter such a yard to do bad things.

  Shen Sizhu is hard-mouthed, so maybe he doesn't worry about the safety of his wife and children.

  It would be fine if he stayed by their side 24 hours a day, but he still had to go to work, so he just said that, because he didn't want his wife to be frightened.

  This time, it's all right, now I live on the third brother's side. The old father and the old mother and the third sister-in-law are there during the day. There are two other doors at the gate, and there are so many neighbors around.

  So when Shen Yiyi said the meeting was over, Shen Sizhu hurriedly went to clean up the wing room.

  Knowing that she has a lot of family and how many rooms can't be used, she has always wanted Father Shen and Mother Shen to live in the city, so the fire kang on the side of the wing, Shen Yiyi will find someone to build it in the summer.

  Since Shen's father, Shen's mother, Shen Yiyi gave up her former main house, she and Shen Xiang Shenpan now live in another wing.

  Even if the house next door is not occupied these days, it burns the kang every day, so when I go in, I don't feel cold at all.

  Of course it won't be cold anymore. These rooms in their house are all self-installed heaters. The radiators are all arranged by Mr. Mo to send them. He designed how to install them.

  Then when the small boiler burned up, it was not that every room was hot, especially during this time when Father Shen was here, and the work of burning the boiler fell on the old man.

  In the past, whoever had time to burn, certainly didn't take care of Mr. Shen, so the days with parents are happiness.

  There is a heated kang, heating, enough bedding, simple furniture in the house, and even the kettle and water cup are ready.

  What else to pack?

  This can be moved here and live.

  Shen Sizhu looked at this, and looked at that, without thinking about it, you would know whose masterpiece it was.

  "These things must have been bought by the little girl again, right? When can the girl's carelessness be corrected, there are kettles, tea cups, and water basins in each room. How many industrial tickets do you need to use? And this I usually don't live, so why do you prepare these old beddings?"

  He originally wanted to go back and fetch his own bedding, and why did he prepare so many new beddings.

  The prodigal girl, fortunately, I met Gu Zumo who is not afraid of her being a prodigal.

  Of course, it was definitely not my sister who beat me.

Chapter 1392 Master Xiao Mo said

  why didn't he know, when did the fourth child become so capable of inking.

  Shen Sanzhu, who came in with him, was because he knew the little girl's abilities, and then found out that there was something more in their home, and he didn't think it was strange, so he could calmly open his eyes.

  What industrial rolls, cotton tickets, her sister used to be in a good mood one day, and he came back a little earlier, so she pulled him and started juggling him.

  Uh, if you let the fourth child know that what their younger sister turned out that day were all gold and silver jewelry, you shouldn't be scared and fainted on the spot.

  "Okay, don't worry about that. Anyway, Gu Zumo can make money. Our little girl doesn't need money or tickets. Let her go."

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