Page six.

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'"You had an accident," she says. "A bad accident. You suffered head injuries. You have problem remembering things."'

"What things?" I say, meaning, Surely not the last twenty-five years? "What things?" She steps towards me again, approaching me as if I am a frightened animal. 
"Everything," she says. "Sometimes starting from you early twenties. Sometimes even earlier than that." My mind spins, whirring with dates and ages. I don't want to ask, but know that I must.
"When...when was my accident?" She looks at me, and her face is a mixture of compassion and fear. 
"When you were twenty-nine..." I close my eyes. Even as my mind tries to reject this information I know, somewhere, that it is true. I hear myself start to cry again, and as I do so this woman, this Ally, comes over to where I stand in the doorway. I feel her presence next to me, do not move as she puts her arms around my waist, do not resist as she pulls me into her. She holds me. Together we rock gently, and I realize the motion feels familiar somehow. It makes me feel better.
"I love you, (Y/n)," she says, and though I know I am supposed to say that I love her too, I don't. I say nothing. How can I love her? She is a stranger. Nothing makes sense. I want to know so many things. How I got here, how I manage to survive. But I don't know how to ask.
"I'm scared," I say. 
"I know," she replies. "I know. But don't worry, (your nickname). I'll look after you. I'll always look after you. You'll be fine. Trust me."

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