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Satoru was a playful joyful man, nothing could of hurt his pride due to him being confident as fuck. He was your husband, you've been dating him for 6 months by now and you love him very much, he sometimes overworked and you had to take care of him. This morning he didn't feel well, he was sweating, his head felt hot. You had to run to the store quickly to not leave him alone for too long as he was sick you thought. After you was done buying the temperature thingy whatever it's called. You stuck it in his mouth for a while until it beeped, it was high. He was coughing and sneezing alot, "y/n..i don't feel good." Satoru said in a soft voice, you felt really bad. You went to the kitchen to fill a cup of cold water to atleast low down his temperature a bit, you gave the water to him and holded it for him so he wouldn't spill it since he was really tired by the looks of it. As soon as Satoru was done drinking he passed out, you were worried since he haven't had a fever like this before, you patted him on the head and left the room to do your work. 3 hours later, he woke up stumbling into your office. Is there something wrong? You said while slowly getting up from your chair, "mhm" Satoru nodded. You carried Satoru and layed him on the bed, you turned on the AC hoping that he would feel better and it'll cool down his temperature, "please stay." Satoru mumbled while rolling the blanket off of him. Wait a bit 'kay Love, you said while going to your office and grabbing your laptop to do your work while he was sleeping. I also forgot to buy medicine..fuck, i said while putting my laptop away, i put on my shoes and went to the pharmacy nearby and got medicine that tasted good as it promised? I think it was cherry or whatever. You walked to your house and turned the keys, you saw Satoru sleeping there, he was rolling around and making soft groaning noises. You carefully closed the door and locked it, you took off your shoes and rolled Satoru over and over gently. Satoru woke up with a mad groan, "what is it..." Satoru said while trying to fall back asleep, i got you medicine Satoru. You said to him while pouring it in the mini cup they gave you, Satoru hided under his blanket quickly after hearing the word "medicine." Satoru didn't like medicine it was just bitter to him. come on Satoru, i'll buy you candy once your temperature low- Satoru grabbed the cup from you and jugged it down, you handed him water and he gulped it down. Slow down your gonna choke on the water, you said while giggling, "candy is worth it though." Satoru said with a grin on his face. A few weeks later, Satoru was getting better and better, he was ready to go to jujutsu tech again. "PLEASEEE I DON'T WANNA GOOOO!!" Satoru shouted as you dragged him outside, Satoru get off of me your like a manchild...Satoru bited my hand and i yelped, i shut the door on him and he was banging on the door. Phew...That was a fucking relief i said while sweating.

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