chapter 4

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Again, we wake up too banging on the door by the either the lions or zombies. Me and zayn get up too see that it wasnt either a lion or a zombie. Holding a ASEK (US army and USMC aircrew weapon) i open the door.

"Please hold fire! I am not here too hurt you! I am just here to deliver some news." says the wear down looking women.

"Any weapons?" says zayn while he pats her down checking for weapons to make sure she is not lieing. "Okay come in. If you dare too do anything that threatens any of us, then do not be surpised if you find a bullet in your skull."

"Okay, Okay, jesus i wont." she says, " I am just here to tell you about Jakob."

Jakob is a man who tracked us down many times trying to kill us. But he also cares for us too. Many times he will drop care packages off. We analayize them for poisen or anything but their never is anything of the sort on it. Its like hes feeding up our friendship and then burning it down once he builds it up. I do not see the point of why he is doing this but i am thankful that he drops off care packages off for us. They only come when we are in dire need of something like food or water or weapons. Somehow he just Knows when we need something. Its sorta creeping me out. I mean obviouly hes up too something but well just have to be prepared no matter what. Our military trailor is like a tank. We have been bombed, terriozed, shot at, whatver you can think of has probaly been done to our trailor, but nothing has ever affected the health of it. It has saved our lifes so many time but yet, its still in almost perfect condition. Besides the blood all over it and guts, it is perfectly in good condition. I have no idea how it surrived 9 years.

"Ok so whats your name?" zayn says to the mysterious women?

"my name is dylan," she says, " I am from the same gang that jakob lives in. I am here to tell you that jakob is going to be coming for you soon. I was his assitant/ test subject. But i quit to come tell you this information. I am going to be killed if he finds out and i have to return or else if he finds me my death might be moe torturess than it already is. But i come too tell you that he is planning on teaming up with obama and gas bombing the whole gang 9. So if i were you i would leave gang 9 (alabama)  and drive too a different gang. I perfer going to gang 20 (Newyork). They are after you guys because you know too much. Jakob has been stalking you this whole time. You need to get out before it is too late."

"How can we believe you?" i say.

"Because i have proof. here"

Dylan hands me the paper. It has all the planning of what jakob and obama have been concockting this whole time. I can not believe this.

"Ok thank you so much dylan. But what is going to happen too you? Where are you going to go?" I say.

" Well jakob is going to find me no matter what. And i am going to die." she says with no emotions.

" You are not going to die dylan. We are not going to let that happen. He will not find you. Our trailor is UAV prood their is no way of tracking us. Jakob has just been tracking us this whole time because we wanted him too because we needed the care packages. We are not going to let you die. Do not worry. You are too young to die. How old are you. Im guessing like 20?" I say.

"No 16." says dylan.

"Omg were you in war or something you look so torn up!" Zayn says.

"No I already told you that I was tortured by Jakob. He Beat me and just did horrible things to me. He killed my family. But he did take care of me. He gave me food and money. Thats why i stayed. Can i stop talking about it." dylan says.

"Yeah come here ill show you where the shower is and you get some rest. Looks like you have been traveling for a while." Zayn says.

"Thank you." Dylan says.

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