Chapter Thirteen : The Room

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"Aw." Katie says.

"That's so cute."

Yvette brings Terra's arm up using her own, and kisses Terra's hand.

"I love you." Yvette says strongly.

"I love you, too."

Rita adds, "They're so cute together."

"Yeah, they're just like you." Katie says with the cutest face she can put on.

"No, you're cute."

"Alright, you two can stop now." Tessa confronts.

"Fine." Rita accepts.

"Don't you and Yvette want to spend some 'alone time' together?" Rita suggests.

"Yeah, babe we should go out." Tessa agrees.

"I couldn't agree more."

"How about we go to the movies?"

"Yeah, we can sit in the front, make out and make homophobes uncomfortable."

"Then it's settled, you two are going to the movies. While Katie and I have our own alone time."

"Haha, gross." Terra says awkwardly.

Yvette and Terra leave for the movie theater.

"Now, you're all mine." Katie says finally taking charge.

"God, I love you."

"I love you, too. What should we do?"

Rita laughs, "That rhymes. But I don't know, we could fuck, go out to eat, or just be romantic."

"I think I like that last one most."

"Well then, come here."

Katie walks over to kiss Rita, and then has her sit on the couch so she can sit on her lap.

"I love you, so much." Rita says tapping Katie's nose.

"And I love you, more."

"My name's not more."

"My name isn't so much."


"You are the cutest little thing I've ever seen."

"That's because you haven't looked in the mirror."

"Aw, you're so adorable."

*Character Switch*

Yvette and Terra have chosen a spot in front of everyone else in the theater. The movie has already begun and is about an hour in. The pair sit silently, but still managing to kiss during the movie. After that hour, eight people have left the theater due of being grossed out.

*About Half an Hour Later*

Six more people have left due to the happy couple. By now, the end credits have started and Yvette and Terra have left the theater.

"Oh my god, I can't believe how many homophobes were in there!" Terra says in disbelief.

"I know, at least I got to kiss a hot girl the whole time."

"I'm not the hot one though."

"You're so the hot one."

"I'm not the famous actor known for being hot."

"You should be."

"You're so sweet."

"I know."

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