horny confession smut

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Horror pov:

It's been about a week since dust moved in with me and he's bin acting kinda weirdly, when we have a fight like we always do the second I get angry and use an aggressive tone instead of us trying to kill each other he just... Stops. Stops all the anger and yelling and turns into a stuttering mess it's... Kinda cute... WTF?! DUST?! CUTE?! Jesus this hole roomates thing is really messing me up...

Dust pov:

I can't believe it but... I think I fell in love with horror... AAAA fuck me man why did it have to be him even now when just sitting on the couch across from him I feel flustered I can barely pay attention to the TV luckily everyone else is to bussy watching TV to notice me staring at him... It's just... All the things that use to annoy me are now just little cute things that I enjoy, like when he drools when he sees a human or growls at other animals out of instinct its use to piss me of and start a fight but now... I really enjoy it it just makes my heart feel warm and my face light up... God I'm such a simp... Maybe if I keep acting like a huge asshole these feelings will go away?

Time skip horror pov:

It's been another week and dust has somehow gotten even more annoying he keeps Nick picking everything I do and I put a bunk bed in my room so he would shut up about the sleeping in the floor and at night he keeps staring at me... Like look over the edge from the top one and just look at me for a while then go back up its really weird he hasn't noticed that I'm awake he thinks I sleep all night lol I haven't slept for a full week in like years to bussy with my thoughts, also the agreeing and stuttering thing hasn't stopped it's starting to worry me, next time he dose it I'll ask him about it

Dust pov:

I was just sitting on the top bunk of the bed horror made playing video games when horror walked in to grab something "wooow I didn't think the smell of rotting flesh could get any worce" I said just to be an ass "of fuck you at lease I don't smell like fuckin dust all the time" "dust is still better then blood" I said as I got down from the bunk "you wish it was better" "pfft don't need to wish when you can't eat dust" "if I didn't eat the shit I would of died when will you get that through your thick skull!" I was starting to piss him of "me?! Thick skull at least you can't see into mine!" "YOU TRY HAVING YOUR FRIEND STAB YOU IN THE HEAD SEE HOW YOU FEEL!" "Well at least you could only half see it with that blind eye you got out of it!" I said chuckling "and at least I ain't a cannibal!" Horror grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled our faces close

Horror pov:

I grabbed dust collar and pulled him close to show how fucking pissed I was "CALL ME A FUCKING CANNIBAL AGAIN AND YOU'LL FUCKING FINED OUT IF I AM ONE" he stopped for minute clearly startled "o-ok I get it... I-ill stop" again with this shit, not this time buddy

Dust pov:

I pushed him past his limit and he grabbed my collar and yelled threatening to basically eat me, god he looks hot when he gets angry like this "o-ok I get it... I-ill stop" I said. He quickly slammed me against the wall "WTF?!?!" "I ain't doin this shit no more. What the hell happened dust?!" "W-what are you talking about" god damn it he's using that really aggressive tone from the night we moved in together "all the stuttering and submissiveness and staring, what the hell got into you?!" "I-i..." Shit he noticed "I d-dont know what your talking about"I said trying to get out of his cluch "don't play dumb I'm not letting you go till I get an answer" I passed for a minute before kissing him... I don't know why but damn did it feel good his lips are just as soft as I imagined them to be. We quickly parted "I'm stuttering and agreeing because... You keep turning me on... I can't stop thinking about you the way you look and act just everything about you is just so... Hot" horror paused for a minute "I understand if you hate m-" just before I could finish he kissed me but this time for much longer

assholes to lovers (Horror X Dust)Where stories live. Discover now