suspicious (angst/fluff)

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Ooooh drama I've been wanting to right this one for a wile now but keep putting it off so I'm glad I can finally do it!

Dust pov:

Horror had been acting really weird lately... Whenever I see him he's always on his phone texting people, horror never normally text people he always says "of you need to say something say it face to face, only text if you can't talk to face or are planning to talk" but now he is always on his phone, what's even more suspicious is when I walk over to him he puts his phone away and doesn't let me see it, i try to ask him about it but he just says "I'm doin stuff" and not only that he keeps leaving to go somewhere for a few hours then come back, he never tells us where he's going just says "something came up" I even asked to look through his phone but he said no and when I asked why he said "dust you just need to trust me on this ok?" He never answers my questions! This has been going on for a month and I've gotten sick of it, I'm finding out what's going on wether he lets me or not.

"Yo I'll be back in a little" horror said "now's my chance" I thought once he closed the door I made my way over "where you going?" "To fined out what he's doing" I said before opening the door and teleporting to his location, we where in fresh tail and horror was walking over to a coffee shop "the hell is going on here" I wipped out my phone and hid behined a car so I had evidence, after a wile fresh walked over to horror and they... Hugged then started talking wile walking into the shop, I can't believe it I know I didn't seem like a big deal but for horror that's a big deal he only hugs me, people who are sad or people he loves, fresh isn't me duh, he is the most happy person I know so that leaves out... My blood started to boil, I looked back over and they where just talking wile drinking coffee "maybe I'm over reacting?" I thought they didn't seem like anything just friends talking but the more I thought about everything and why he didn't tell me, "horror I swear to god I'm gonna kill you" I thought as I teleported home on the brink of tears "I thought he really loved me?" I thought as I ran to my old room, I still use it sometimes when me and horror have an argument but I always end up coming back in the middle of the night, I have a feeling I won't be coming back this time.

After half an hour of crying I decided to go back to horrors to and pack my things, I was walking down the hall until I heard "DUUST!!" killer yelled "yo i- wait have you been crying? What happened?" He said sounding a little worried "I don't want to talk about it" I said continuing to walk down the hall "well ok but my doors are always open if you need someone to talk to!" He yelled just as I was opening horrors room "thanks kills it... Means a lot" I said before walking inside and closing the door from behined me,"guess I should start packing then" O thought as more tears built up in my eyes from all the memories me and horror had in this room.

After an hour or sorting through me and horrors things I had finally finished packing a large suitcase and before I left horror came home "hey babe I'm hom- what's with the bag?" He said sitting down on what was once our bed "we're done" I said sternly "w-what? Why!?" Horror said sounding upset and hurt "I saw you horror, I saw you with fresh and I just!...*sigh* I can't do this anymore" I said starting to cry again "dust it's not what it looked like really-" "the why don't you ever let me look through your phone or tell me where your going! If your just going to hangout that why not tell me that!" I yelled in anger starting to walk out "....*sighs* fine" horror said "so you admit it!?" I yelled slightly louder "nope" he said passing me his phone "password is 7769, everything you need to know is in there" he said bluntly, I was a little shocked "I'll be on the roof smoking if you need me" "wait! Why didn't you just give me your phone before?" I said confused "because I don't like to brake promises" he said before closing the door, didn't like to break promises? What's that mean? Wait- why am I worried about that!? Horror just gave me full access to his phone, I sat down on the bed and began to look tried the password he told me "7769 yes!" I said to myself "what do I look at first?" I thought, probably his text messages right? I went to his text messages with fresh and went up to when he first started acting weird, when I checked the date I realised they haven't spoken a word for months untill this month? Weird, I started reading untill I found something that shocked me,

assholes to lovers (Horror X Dust)Where stories live. Discover now