Dream SMP Tommy: Part 2

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Dream and Tubbo looked at him with shock, this was not the same Tommy, but Tubbo tightened his grip on the axe and shouted at Tommy, We all thought you were dead, we are your friends, you had that stupid beach party, EVERYTHING why did you never TRY to contact us!

Tommy gave a lazy glance towards him and released an aura that held Dream and Tubbo down and began choking Tubbo, you son of a bitch, you think after everything you did, we're still friends? Let's go down the list, shall we? Exile, giving away what I used to care about, blaming me for this, believing the most chronic manipulator on the server, I'll admit, the only thing I had done was Georges home, but I had apologized and he accepted it techno can tell you the only thing, but I have been with Techno all this time, and dont call us friends... you never believed me, you hurt Philza, Ghostbur is scared of you, Dream... Dream has been lying since the start to get his hands on everything any of us care about so he can manipulate all of us, he owns everything, and he needed me alive to keep his control as ever since I joined, I gave items like my discs, Ghostburs Friend, The Axe of Peace... meaning... so Fuck Off Tubbo... it's your own fault, and you cant blame anyone else...

and to you Dream, I just wanna thank you, thank you for showing me everyones true intentions... he grabbed his sword hilt tightly and prepared to slice at Dream, before a hand appeared on Tommy's shoulder. Come on Tommy, let's prepare, leave Dream till last.

Hey Tommy, you talk all big, but deep down you're still a weak wimpy child with nothing.

Technos head swivled round so quickly the voices shut up but as techno began to speak, Tommy beat him to it, really, you want to bet?

Your discs or Technos life.

Tommy let out a laugh that showed no emotion, and shook everyone, get it through your thick mask, Dream. I don't care about those discs, but you threaten Techno, Tommy's presence grew to a height being roughly the same as Techno,

T h e r e  w I l l  B e  B l o o d !

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