The Taking

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(Chloe's point of view)

I turn around to find no one behind me... "What?" I ask myself. Am I going crazy? I swear I heard someone. "Sarah?? Is she gone?" Adam asked one of the fire fighters. "We don't know anything at the moment." The firefighter simply says. Of course not cause you can't do your own fucking job. "Why are they just standing around?" Philip ask me. "Does it look like I fucking know, dumb shit?!" I scream at him. I am not here do hear his bullshit questions. "Kimberly come here!" I yell for her.... "You should really get the baby checked out." I tell her. She slowly nods and gets Philip to take her to the ambulance. That is when I see the dead bodies being carried out of the house... "NOOOO PLEASE GOD NO!" I fall to my knees screaming....

*ONE MONTH LATER* (Elliot point of view)

{I flutter my eyes open... All I see is white. It blinds me.... "Help..." I whisper out. "I'm here for you." I see Vara infront of me. I open my eyes to get a better look only to find Kimberly infront of me. "Where is..." I try to get out but I can't. "Vara is umm... asleep at the moment." She tells me. "No..." I feel the tears fall down my cheeks.

~I drift back into a sleep. I can't keep going on without her. Please, tell me Vara will be okay. I am ready... I want to go. This is my time....

"COME BACK ELLIOT!" I hear Vara scream and cry for me. I barely have anything to hold onto anymore. I gave myself away and it is to late to turn back... "I will see you on the other side." I tell her. "No, I won't let you. Why would you just do this to me.... I am coming with you." Vara says. "What?" I ask her but then I see the gun in her hand. "We go down together Elliot." She smiles at me. "NO!" I scream at her. no no no... this isn't what I wanted. "I love you..." She whipers. "I love y-" BOOM. Vara falls to the ground... the blood taking over her gentle features.}

"Elliot wake up!!" Kimberly shakes me. "I had the nightmare again." I tell her as she wipes off my face. "It's okay. Calm down..." She soothes me. "If you had it you would understand." I tell her. "Maybe if you tell me what it is about I could understand a little more." She trys to get it out of me but I won't tell anyone.... "Well then. Get ready we are going to go visit Vara today." Kimberly says. And with that I am out of the bed and ready to go.

*AT THE HOSPITAL* (Adam's point of view)

~I lay next to Vara's body hearing her thoughts. For the past month all she has been thinking about is Sara... With her being asleep she doesn't know Sarah is dead. Sarah... is dead, gone, not even a ghost. She was ready to move on. She moved on without me. I never told her... How I felt. Maybe then she would have stayed behind. But I know that would have caused her misery. No one wants to stay on this earth after death. It was her time to go... But I am stuck here to watch the whole world burn...

I feel Vara move..."Vara? Earth to Vara?" I ask her. "What happened?" Elliot rushes in. God, he needs to just glue a sign to his face with neon lights sayng he loves Vara. "She moved, I swear." I tell the whole group. Then Chloe, Kimberly, and Philip rush in around her bed. "Sarah?" Vara whispers out for her. "Shhh..." Elliot kisses her hand. "Adam?" Vara ask for me. Elliot looks at me pissed... He wants his name to leave her lips. "I'm here." I tell her kissing her head. " I saw her... Sarah." Vara tells me. "What?! Where?" I try to get out of her but she turns to Elliot. "I had the same nightmare." Vara tells him. Elliot starts sobbing into her arm.

*ONE WEEK LATER* (Vara point of view)

"I AM SO HAPPY YOU'RE HOME" Kimberly screams as I walk into the hotel room. "Home? For real?" I laugh at her. "Yes! Home is where the heart is." Kimberly says hugging me. I look around and see the boys talking. I jump onto Adam's lap laughing, but Elliot looks pissed now. I wonder what his problem is. I decide to shrug it off... "You wanna find Sarah?" I ask Adam. "Hell yeah." He says with a smile.

~I have decided not to be mean to Adam for once and help him find Sarah. I just got Sarah back and she dies. Hell no! I am going to find her free soul. I feel her as a ghost. She is on a search for something but I am not sure what. I think to find out why she died. Most ghost do that. To go on a trip to find out how and why they are dead. The guys are also trying to find out how the fire started. I want to know. Everyone thinks it was Ainsly... But I don't.

"Hey. Can I come?" Elliot ask me and Adam. "Sure!" I say smiling. I don't mind spending more time with Elliot anymore. That kiss we had before the fire was something else. "Hey Adam can I jump on your back?" I ask with a puppy dog face. "And why would that be?" He ask me. "Cause I am super lazy and just got out of the hospital." I say. "No..." Adam says. "I'll let you." Elliot offers and of course I don't pass the offer up. When ever I get the chance to be lazy I take it.


"OMG! YOUR GONNA DROP ME!" I scream hugging Elliot's back as he spins on the small walking trail. "I got you!" He tells me but I only hold on tighter. "I don't want to go to the hospital." I say but I can't control laughing. I decide to get off before he drops me but he then bring me into a hug whispering into my ear saying he has a secret he wants to tell me. Okay.... weird.

"Vara, Why are we in the mountains?" Adam ask me. "Sarah loves this place. This would be the first place she would come to." I tell him. But he seems uneasy. "Calm down sucker!" I tease with him and Elliot and I take off running. "Guys wait up!" Adam screams at us but we come to a sudden stop when I see her. "I told you." I stick my tounge out at Adam. "Sarah?" Adam ask. "What the fuck you people want?!" She greets us with open arms. "SARAH!" I scream running towards her. "Get your ass over here!" She tells Adam and Elliot.

*AT THE HOTEL* (Kimberly's point of view)

~I get out of the shower to find a note from Philip; saying him and Chloe went for dinner. I sit down on the bed thinking about food. God I am always hungry with this damn baby. This baby is just a big mistake... It is the evil inside me... Why did I do it? I don't even know... But then I hear the door unlock.

"Philip? Chloe?" I ask. I only hear foot steps getting closer and closer and I get scared. "Oh my god. You?" I ask. He then hits me and I fall to the ground. "HELP!" I scream but he puts tapes on my mouth then ties me up. I look at him in the eyes only to find fear in his eyes. Why would he be scared? I am the one getting kidnapped but I see him looking at my tummy the whole time. He isn't here for me... He wants to take my baby....

*BACK AT THE MOUNTAINS* (Vara's point of view)

After about an hour of hugging we finally get to serious talk. "I know who started the fire in my room." Sarah says. "Was it that bitch Ainsly?" Adam and Elliot ask. "It wasn't her! I tell them." looking at Saran for her to confirm. "Guys... I don't understand why yet but it was..." Sarah slowly says...."Who?" Adam ask.

"Me" We all hear someone behind us. I turn around to find Jacob...

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