Zack Martin x OC*

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Zack was running late, yet again. As he hopped out of his bed, Zack quickly checked the clock sitting on his bedside table. His heart started hammering in his chest at the sight: 12:08 PM. He was supposed to be up hours ago, but apparently Zack didn't set his alarm the before. How many times was he going to oversleep for his dates with Y/N? He grimaced when thinking back on all the other times he missed out on her. Too many times to count. 

Zack stripped out of his pajamas, flinging them into the unknown depths of his dirty clothes pile situated at the end of his bed. The skinny jeans he picked off the ground smelled alright, so he put one leg through. Well, at least he tried to put one leg through. His head was still fuzzy, and his eyes were only half open, and Zack was struggling. He managed to fight his way into the pants and slid the T-shirt over his head. After he made sure he smelled fine and brushed his teeth, Zack ran out of his room and out into the hallway, colliding into someone else. 

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" a familiar voice said from beneath him, sounding sort of muffled. Zack rolled onto the carpeted ground, sitting up. His twin brother way laying on the ground, an offended look on his face. "Why would you come racing out of your room like that?"

Zack jumped up, glaring down at his brother. "There's no time to explain --"

"You overslept again, didn't you?" He gaped at Cody, who in turn gave him a satisfied grin. Zack clenched his fists, trying not to punch his brother. "You're predictable, Zack. If I were Y/N, I'd just dump you right now."

Zack's stomach dropped, but he shook his head instead of showing Cody how much he hurt him. That happened more times than Zack could count, but Cody never seemed like he understood that he could hurt Zack with his words. "Y/N loves me, Cody." And with that, Zack spun on his heel, stomping away from Cody. 

He couldn't understand Cody sometimes. It was like Cody thought that he wasn't smart enough to understand the jabs he constantly sent his way, which was a total lie. Zack mainly understood the "jokes" that Cody made about him, but he put up a facade, pretending that he was as bright as a crayon in a toolshed. He endured the jabs, jokes, and whatever else Cody and their friends said, but sometimes, it got to him. 

There were some days that Zack didn't want to get out of bed, to face his friends. He knew that something he would do that would make them laugh, not with him, but at him. There would be something that he wouldn't understand, and they would continue to laugh at him. Sure, he laughed whenever London did something funny or didn't quite understand what they were talking about, but she was as bright as a box of rocks, and that was saying something. But a part of him wondered if she felt the same way whenever they laughed at her. It never looked like it hurt her, but that didn't mean anything.

The only person that didn't laugh at him was Y/N. When they first met a few years ago on the ship, it was like love at first sight for Zack. She was everything he liked in a girl: hauntingly beautiful, funny, sweet, and even a little mysterious. Whenever she smiled, his heart rate rose. Whenever she touched him, his skin pricked. Whenever she hugged him, he melted in her arms. Y/N was the one for him, and they didn't waste any time getting together. 

It had been a blissful three years together, but lately, there had been something . . . off with Y/N. Sure, she had always been a little different, like hiding away in her room for hours on end and experiencing random panic attacks, but this was different. He learned to go with the flow around her and protect her whenever she had her panic attacks, but she would never tell him the reason why she was feeling like that. He was patient with her, though, just like she was patient with him. That was the least he could do for Y/N.

Zack finally made it to the deck of the ship, and he spotted London and Bailey sitting at one of the many tables in the bright sunlight. He was momentarily blinded as he rushed over to them, leaning hard on the table. Both of the girls jumped, but Zack wasn't worried about scaring them. All he wanted to do was apologize to his girlfriend. 

"Where's Y/N?"

Bailey glared at Zack, looking exactly like her boyfriend. She shoved his hands off of the table, and he realized that he had almost placed his hands in their salads. "Wouldn't you like to know."

"Well, of course he'd like to know!" London said, swatting at Bailey's shoulder. She giggled like she couldn't believe Bailey didn't understand Zack's question. "Isn't that why he asked?"

Bailey's eyes fluttered shut, and she sighed through her nose. "Yes, London, that's why he asked." Her eyes flashed open, but then she had a small smile on her face. "Y/N stayed back in our room. She knew you were going to oversleep, so she decided to get some homework done early. She's probably waiting for you right now."

"Oh, Bailey, I could kiss you!" London frowned and Bailey recoiled from Zack, making him laugh. "Not that I would, but still. Thanks for telling me!"

For the second time that day, Zack turned on his heel and ran away from his friends. He should have known that Y/N was in her room; besides being with him, that was her favorite place to be. If only he had thought of it sooner. That way, he could've been with her and cuddled in her bed. 

This time, Zack didn't think quite as much as he did when he was searching for Y/N. He ran through the hallways that connected the bedrooms to the outside, his heart hammering against his chest. A weird feeling settled in the bottom of his stomach, and he picked up his pace. He must've been hungry or something. Maybe they could have lunch when they're done cuddling. 

Zack skidded to a halt in front of Y/N's room. The door was slightly ajar, so he gently pushed it open, stepping into the room. Even though the door was supposed to be open when a person of the opposite sex was in the room, he still shut the door behind him. Y/N wasn't at her desk, but there was an open book and some pieces of paper sitting on the desk. Zack's eyes scanned the rest of the room, but she wasn't on her bed or standing at her closet. Then he noticed the closed bathroom door.

He quietly walked over to the door, rapping his knuckled against the door. There was a clatter in the bathroom, which meant that Y/N was in there. "I am so sorry that I was late!" Zack said to the closed door. "I overslept, like usual."

"It's fine," Y/N said, and Zack frowned when he heard her voice shake. "I was thinking we could postpone our date anyway."

"What?" Zack was confused. Last night, she was very excited for their date today, so what could change in twelve hours? "Y/N, what's going on?"


Zack tried the handle to the door, and the bad feeling in the pit of his stomach grew. The door was locked. He knocked harder on the door, panic gripping his heart. There was something wrong with Y/N, he just knew it. "Y/N, open the door!"

Y/N was silent for a second before Zack heard her move toward the door. There was a soft click as she unlocked the door, and he threw it open. She was sitting on the tiled floor, her usually straight brown hair a mess around her neck. She was still in her pajamas, which wasn't that unusual because she liked to go out and about in them. 

But there was something definitely wrong with her arms.

Red blood stained her pale skin from her wrists all the way to her elbows.

Gray and brown and pink scars and wounds poked out from behind the bright red blood spilling out of one of the open wounds.

A bloody razor lay in the red stained sink, discarded.

"Y/N?" Zack asked, his heart shattering completely in his chest. She let out a sob, shaking her head. Before he dropped to the ground, he grabbed some paper towels and wrapped them around her arms, putting pressure on the bleeding. She leaned into his chest, softly sobbing into his shirt. "Why didn't you tell me?"

She sucked in a deep breath. "I couldn't."

Zack screwed his eyes shut, wishing that he figured this out sooner. He wished that he could have protected her from whatever made her do this. "I'm so sorry, Y/N," he whispered against her head. "I'm sorry that whatever you went through in the past made you do this." He slowly released her from the hug, holding tightly to the paper towels. "I want you to get help." She nodded, the tears streaming down her face. "I will be with you every step of the way, Y/N. You won't be alone in this."

"You don't have to do that, Zack."

He shook his head. "I do have to do this. You're my girlfriend and I love you."

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