Chapter 5: A glorious morning at House Dimitrescu

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" It has been a few days since Joshua has spent his time at House Dimitrescu and he has already gotten to know Lady D and her daughters seeing as they are not bad people as he thought they were as they almost tried to kill him that day but the Daughters and Lady D have grown rather quite fond of him especially Cassandra who viewed him as just another man thing to be killed and eaten but she slowly warmed up to him seeing that he is quite different then the multitudes of man things that visited the castle and never came back. Cassandra has never been one to show emotions towards Joshua, but he caught her attention and over time she slowly had a crush on him and soon maybe he could be the love of her life"

"As the beautiful morning rose upon the castle Joshua slept peacefully that night his mind still at ease no nightmares or anything like that now that the one that stayed with him kept his safe an protected, as he slowly woke up he saw Cassandra still sleeping with her head still on his chest and her arms around him as if she was still protecting him, Joshua took this moment of silence an peace of quiet as he felt Cassandra gently nuzzling into him" as a few minutes go by Joshua wakes up only to be met by Cassandra's beautiful face"

Cassandra POV" Good morning my dear, did you sleep well" As she puts a light smile on her face"

"Joshua POV" Yes I did Cassandra thanks to you, those nightmares haven't appeared or anything so I hope I won't have to encounter them again any time soon...thank you" Cassandra smiles as she kisses Joshua's forehead again as she was happy to hear it"

"Cassandra POV" I'm glad to hear it to, I'm glad you allowed me to stay in here with you last night I imagine it would be lonely in here now would it. But you shouldn't worry about it now, like I said I wouldn't let anything harm you, not as long I'm around"

"Joshua POV" Thank you Cassandra and, I would do the same for you and your family as well, especially you even if I have to sacrifice my own life making sure those I love get to live" Cassandra hugged Joshua gently smiling at words again seeing him as not just another man thing but one that would risk his life to protect those he loves"

"Cassandra POV" Awww that's so sweet of you, though please don't sacrifice your life for me and and my family, we wouldn't want anything to happen to you. I mean we have grown rather fond of you as you have of us. And although I'm not one for sentiments but when I first met you, you were just another man thing I could kill but I could definitely see you growing on me I don't know what it is I'm feeling but could it be love that some how brought us together? I don't know what to think now?"

"Joshua POV" Cassandra its ok and tbh I think love did bring us together, I mean sure we just met a few days ago but I can already tell that I was the one for you and you were the one for me, love works in mysterious ways that I can't possibly imagine either its destiny or, is it just meant to be I don't know but all I know is is that I'm safe here with you and your family ya'll have treated me so nicely so I'm forever grateful"

"Cassandra POV" And we are grateful to have you here with us, especially me it usually takes time for me to warm up and for you to gain my trust, as I said before it takes time to earn mine" Cassandra smiles at him "As Joshua and Cassandra shared a moment of peace the other two sisters appeared before them"

"Daniela POV" Awww look at the two love birds together" Giggles" Cassandra and Joshua sitting in a tree K I S S I N G"

"Cassandra POV" Daniela knock it off!" looks at Daniela with a serious face"

"Bela POV" Oh come on now you two look adorable together admit it"

" Cassandra POV" Admit what?

" Bela POV" Admit it that you are in Love with him" She spoke in a dreamy voice"

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