Chapter 2 ~ Alex

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"But the moment our
eyes meet, I'm right
back under his spell,
a helpless hunk of
steel to his irresistible magnet."

~~Alyson Noel



The moment I bit into the sandwich, mustard slid from the corner of my mouth and I internally cringed when I felt the impact on my shirt. Quickly wiping the remainder away with my thumb to avoid further disaster, I looked down at the ruined material. Sure enough, a large yellow blob was laughing up at me, cause you know... jokes on me right? Cursing, I grabbed a handful of napkins and tried to clear away the evidence, but I only served to make it worse.

Today is not my day, I thought as I crumbled up the paper napkins and tossed them onto the table.

"You're disgusting," a voice cut into my silent complaining as I took another bite.

Glancing up, my eyes locked with Bryce's, my friend and the enforcer of the Family. I quickly swallowed the bite in my mouth, almost choking in the process. Tossing the rest of the sandwich back on the plate in front of me, I shot him a grin.

"Some people like watching messy eaters," I replied, wiggling my eyebrows. "Is that why you're here? Just had to see this sexy face getting stuffed, huh?"

"I changed my mind," Bryce answered with a grimace. "You're revolting."

I laughed, shoving the plate with the evil food away from me and slouched back in my chair. "I've been called worse. So, what's up? Your brother finally going to forgive me and let me get back to real work?"

"You're lucky he didn't kill you, Alex," Bryce told me with a shake of his head.

"Why? It was a compliment!" I said, exasperated. "I said she was hot and I'd fuck her if she was single! Not when he's dicking her down!"

"It's the principle," Bryce explained with a shake of his head.

"Dude... I haven't done grunt work like this since high school," I complained as I tried once again to clean the mustard from my shirt. "It's like I'm his butler or something. Did you know he had me pick up his dry cleaning this morning? His fucking dry cleaning, bro!"

Bryce chuckled, something that had taken me a while to get used to at first. But after his twins were born, it seemed to be a regular thing. It was a shock when he first told Shayde and I, another long time friend of ours, but it was a good thing in the end. Maddox and Harlow were some badass little kids, even if they were only a year old... well almost.

"Earth to Alex," Bryce called, waving his hand in front of my face to get my attention. "Hello?"

I blinked, shrugging sheepishly. "My bad, kind of zoned out I guess."

"Well, if you're good...?" Bryce trailed off, and waited for me to nod before continuing. "You wanna go with me to Firefly's?"

He could have easily ordered me to whether I wanted to or not, being higher ranked than me. However, we had been friends longer than we had been made, which counted for something. The prospect of doing anything besides the measly jobs I'd been doing was exciting, but Firefly's was like a bonus!

"Did you really have to ask?" I groaned dramatically, quickly standing from my chair in the kitchen of the Family compound. "Your car or mine?"


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