Day of the Dino Part 1

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Tommy's point of view:

It's been a few years since the incident on the island and now i began working at Reefside High as a high school paleontology teacher and was entering the School halls.

Tommy: "Hi."

Then a women arrived and introduced herself.

???: "Dr. Oliver, I'm Principal Randall."

Tommy: "Oh, It's nice to meet you."

Then i offered her a hand to shake.

Tommy: "It's your first day too, isn't it?"

Randall: "Yes, and i'm still trying to figure out why a doctor of Paleontology would come all the way to Reefside to teach science to Teenagers."

Tommy: "I guess i'm looking for some peace and quiet."

Randall: "So you became a High School teacher. That doesn't really make a whlot of sense, now does it, Dr. Oliver?

Tommy: "You know, i was thinking, maybe we should get together. This way, you can kind of fill me on what you expect."

Randall: "I expect you to make it hard for them. Painful at all possible. If they smile, you know you're doing something wrong. Now i'm off to find my first truant. We'll talk later."

Then she started to walk away while i was thinking of what she said to me then i decided to leave that for later and went to my class and saw that most of them were acting wild.

Tommy: "Guys, seattle down. Take your seats, please."

They all did just that then i said to them.

Tommy: "I'm Dr. Oliver, and this is first period science. Before we start, are there any questions?"

I saw a blonde haired girl in front of me raising her hand.

Tommy: "Yes."

???: "Cassidy, Cassidy Cornell."

Then i heard the class groan for her speaking.

Cassidy: "Dr. Oliver, as you may know, i'm the anchor and field reporter for our School TV station."

Now they were groaning louder than before.

Cassidy: "Anyway, i'm sure our viewers are wondering. Well, you don't really look old enough to be a teacher. Devin, are you getting this?

???: "He doesn't, he could have been my grandfather if he wanted, but at least he has a brain Cassidy, you don't."

Then i see her groan at the comment while the voice chuckled at his own remark then i turn my head to the door and see a tall male standing there with his backpack next to him.

???: "Yo."

He said that while putting his hand up.

Tommy: "And you are?"

???: "Oh me, I'm Eminem, but not rich. So, what i miss?"

Tommy: "Just on time. take your seat."

???: "Nah, i'm good. Ciao"

He then walked away while i was just standing there confused, i probably need to discuss this with Randall later.


Tommy: "Who was that?"

Cassidy: "That's Michael Cruger otherwise know as the school's greatest dic."

Tommy: "That's enough Cassidy. I promise I'm old enough. So let's put the camera away."

Cassidy: "You missed it."

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