An old slug slithered slowly, across a gravel path,
A fern leaf was his front door, a pebble was his hearth.
Across his mossy carpet and heading for his bed,
'This life of mine is fine indeed!' the sleepy slimer said.
He woke up bright and early as the moon began to rise,
He pushed aside the fern leaf and slid towards his prize.
Beyond the gravel path there stood a thriving cabbage row,
Drops of dew were diamonds on the cold soft earth below.
The moon sped past the tree tops as the old slug made his way,
He paused to watch the beauty of the different shades of gray.
The aromatic symphony of cabbages and kale
Contrasted with the compost heap; so comfortable and stale.
Sliming to the second stalk he stole himself a smile,
'I'll eat my fill this balmy night and then I'll wait awhile.
Romance is in the air and goodness knows I don't have long,
My life will be complete when I can share the slimer song'.
The moon swept past the hedges, the light was fading fast,
The old slug stretched and searched about; would love find him at last?
He slithered slowly down the stalk, replete and quite content,
And made his way across the path, cheerful as he went.
He pushed aside the fern leaf, felt the furry mossy floor,
Slithered happily towards his bed; he couldn't ask for more.
He settled down and fell asleep, the moon slipped out of sight.
Another lovely evening and another lovely night
It was raining when he woke up so the ground was damp and fresh,
Which added to his longing for the pleasures of the flesh.
He set off for the cabbage patch, would he meet someone this time?
The droplets on the cabbage stalks made for an easy climb.
He chanced upon a virgin leaf, sweet and full of vigour,
As he chomped away he almost felt himself grow even bigger.
Then suddenly he noticed that he wasn't there alone,
Another slug; eyes on stalks and almost fully grown.
He gulped and looked towards her, how long had she been there?
She slimed her way towards him; he pretended not to care.
Their rapture was impossible to see amongst the leaves,
And afterwards they sloped away together, thick as thieves.
She said goodbye and happily he slithered to his bed.
'I've very much enjoyed my life' the sleepy slimer said.
'Tomorrow I shall dig a hole in which to lay my eggs,
To keep them safe from all those naughty rascals that have legs!'
Some young slugs slithered swiftly, across a gravel path,
A fern leaf was their front door, a pebble was their hearth.
They went out bright and early, before the moon appeared,
And headed for the cabbage row. The March mist slowly cleared.
Poems (as such)
PoetryInspired by a message to her followers from @MorrighansMuse about #poetrymonth I've written a silly poem. It made me laugh writing it, I hope some people find it entertaining :) I might write some more, if I get time, because this was a lot of fun...