One More Day

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credits go to my amazing friend (i'm not sure if she would want me to say her name) for this idea!!! you know who you are, so thank you <3

You were in bed, lying awake in the darkness beside the sleeping woman you loved. You had been married for six years now, and though it had its ups and occasional downs- You were the happiest you had ever been. And, if you thought that the two of you were inseparable before all that business with Caul? Now you were joined at the hip. Wherever one was, the other was also there or very soon to follow.

But when your wife began pulling away from you, you knew something was wrong. She wasn't talking to you about her problems, as she always did. She was doing things alone. Her arms around you were loose tonight, almost forced, very much unlike the way she had always cradled you tightly against her body as though she were afraid you'd slip away.

So you lay awake, worrying at your bottom lip with your teeth as you watched your fellow ymbryne sleep. Her eyelids fluttered and she let out a soft whine- You were unable to tell whether it was pained or not. And it hurt you not to know what was going on with her.

You were terribly afraid that she was falling out of love.

You loved her as much as ever. When you saw her, you still got those familiar butterflies just like the ones from when you had first laid eyes on her. Though admittedly she was a little hard to deal with at times, if you didn't know how to handle her. But you loved that all the same.

When she let out another little whine, you pulled her closer to you and stroked her soft dark blue hair with one hand. This seemed to provide her at least some comfort, as she nuzzled into your chest and hugged you tighter.

"I love you, Alma. I hope you still love me." You whispered, so quietly it was as though you had said nothing.

And then, with her clinging to you as she had for so many years, you were able to fall asleep.


When you awoke, there was no sign of your wife. You sighed; she had begun doing this more often. Instead of being woken up early in the mornings by her peppering kisses all across your face, you were woken by the bright sunlight and deathly silence of your loneliness.

You stood and got ready for the day, slipping into your favorite white button up and putting a casual blazer over it. You tucked the shirt into your black jeans and deemed yourself ready after brushing your teeth and doing your hair into a style very similar to your wife's.

You made your way downstairs and into the kitchen, where you found her leaning against the counter and smoking her pipe. She noticed you and spared you a small smile, though it didn't reach her eyes. That was what really concerned you.

"Good morning, my Alma." You said softly, approaching her and plucking her pipe from her grasp to place a quick peck on her lips.

"Good morning, dove." She scanned your face with her critical gaze and noticed how tired you looked. "Did you not get much sleep last night?"

She raised a hand to touch your face, and you grabbed her wrist gently and placed a soft kiss on her pulse point. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine. But I do think we need to have a talk." Alma raised an eyebrow and you checked your watch. "After the walk?" You asked, to which she agreed.

Great, now you were actually to confront her. You were just so excited. Bird knows how good you were at that.

And that was sarcasm.


You had eaten breakfast, chattering with the children, and there had been a sort of tension between you and Alma. It wasn't an angry tension, more of an anxious one. She hated not knowing things, and she certainly didn't know what you needed to talk to her about. And you were anxious to confront her about it, as you really weren't sure what you would do if your suspicions were correct and she had fallen out of love with you. Your heart would be shattered. You still loved her with every bit of yourself.

Miss Alma LeFay Peregrine: One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now