Is It Really You? No, Tell Me it's Not True...

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"Y/n, come on already!" She giggled, jumping over a log as she raced you through the forest. You followed the spot of vibrant blue in the earthy greens of the forest, which was your best friend. "You're so slow!" Her voice rang through the forest as you panted, trying to catch up. She was a year younger than you; you were thirteen and she was twelve. Wide eyes and light freckles, bright blue hair that you loved to muss up and a never ending sense of wonder and humor, you'd be lying if you said you weren't more than a little smitten with her.

"Maybe you're just really fast, birdie." You paused, looking around as you tried to spot her. You nearly fell over with surprise as she swung down in front of you, upside down with her legs hooked around a branch. "How did you even-"

She hushed you with a suddenly urgent finger on your lips. Her hands back on the branch, she swung down and landed in front of you as you took her in your arms, knowing exactly what was happening and wishing to shield the poor child.

"Alma! Child, now is not a time for playing games." You heard the all too familiar sound of her fathers angry voice, which in turn infuriated you.

"Hey, it's okay." She was getting visibly upset so you did your best to soothe her, but you were silenced at the man's next words.

"You had better not be with that stupid child. Really, I don't know why you spend time with her. And should I ever have my way with her... Where are you?" He was getting increasingly frustrated and you hugged her into your chest tighter.

But she pushed you away and further from the voice, with a hissed "Go, go. Go before he finds you." you backed away, but a worried look resided on your face. "I'll be fine."

You nodded quickly and ran to hide behind the very same log she had jumped over earlier. Just in time, too, as he made his appearance. A hulking man who stood no less than 6'4, and who had zero respect for his only daughter. You'd often find her crying in the woods for something he did, and the deep hatred you held for him for that was far more vast than even the stars. You watched in anger as he approached and said something unintelligible, to which she replied;

"But I love her, papa." And you froze. Did that mean what you thought it meant? Did she really love you back, or did she mean it because you were her best friend?

"You don't love her. And if I catch you with her ever again, I will personally ensure you will never see her again."

She let out a heartbreaking sob as he grabbed her roughly by the arm and dragged her back in the direction of their house.


You were sitting in her lap as she braided your hair, which was long and plentiful. You laughed as she pulled gently whenever you'd say something dumb, and as a retort you elbowed her softly in the ribs. She had finished with your hair ages ago, but you were blissfully unaware of that- or you simply didn't care.

"Finished." She finally said quietly, choosing to wrap her arms around your waist and pull you against her body now. You went with it and leaned into her, smiling as your eyes met when you leaned your head back on her shoulder.

"You know, I really like you." You smiled at her and she blushed brightly, pushing a loose strand of thick hair from her face. It was darker now than it had been when she was younger. She was now sixteen, and you were seventeen. She tried to hide her blushing face from you but you weren't having it. "No, don't hide. You're cute when you're flustered."

She smacked your arm gently and looked down at her lap. Of course, from your angle you could still see her fine, meaning you could see the wide, goofy grin plastered on her face. You reached up to brush her hair behind her ear but your hand lingered, cupping her cheek. She leaned into your loving touch and finally looked at you. She started leaning down toward you and your heart immediately started pounding, your stomach erupted in a frenzy of butterflies. When your lips connected, it was like all of the fairytales had always said. The sparks that flew were unlike any other, unmatchable and intoxicating. You grinned against her lips and eagerly returned the kiss. The feeling of her soft pink lips parted under yours was one you would never forget, and certainly couldn't get enough of. As she pulled away to breathe, you sat up in her lap and turned yourself around to face her, a wild grin on your face as she started playing with your hair.

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