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"Luke?" I asked in shock after opening the door of my apartment to see Luke standing on the steps. I didn't think he'd be here considering when I left I made it kind of clear I didn't want to be around him.

"Hi." He replied awkwardly while he continued to stand on the steps. I stood in the doorway just looking at him. His eyes were red and puffy like he'd been crying recently and his cheek looked a little red too.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Uh, yeah. Can I sleep here tonight?" He asked quick and nervously. He breathed in his hands and rubbed them together to get them warm. I just looked at him for a bit. I really wanted space from him at the moment although the part of me that loves him longed for him to be around me at all times.

"Um, I guess." I shrugged and opened the door fully to let Luke in. He smiled and nodded to say 'thanks' and walked in.

"Are you sure its okay with your parents?" Luke asked as he looked around.

"They aren't here." I said as I laid back down on my couch. "They're on some business trip for the week in Los Angeles."

"Oh, cool." He said softly before walking over to the couch and sitting next to me. We watched a couple episodes of a few different shows and didn't talk much.

"I'm bored." I turned the TV off and sighed. "Do you still have the vodka?" I asked him.

"No, sorry. You don't have anything here?" Luke asked before getting up and searching around my kitchen.

"Um, check on top of the fridge." I yelled to Luke in the kitchen as I turned the TV back on.

"You have one bottle of wine." Luke said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Do you not like wine or are you disappointed with the amount?" I laughed and watched Luke reach over the fridge to grab the bottle.

"Wine's a bit boring and classy for me." Luke giggled slightly and scrunched his nose. He got the cork out of the bottle and pressed it to his lips. "Thats nasty." He laughed and coughed. "But it'll do. You don't want me to run to get some more vodka from down the street?"

"No, this is fine. No need to risk getting arrested for a drink." I laughed and grabbed the bottle from Luke.

"I could have a friend bring us some." He said as he held out his phone with his friends number dialed. I just shrugged and took another sip from the bottle.

Luke's friend showed up at my door ten minutes later. "That should be him." Luke exclaimed as he walked to the door. I just finished the last drop of the wine in the bottle, so Luke's friend got here just in time.

"Hey, Luke." His friend greeted him at the door. I leaned over the couch so I could look out the door to see who Luke's friend was. It was one of the guys I always see him hanging out with at school, the one with the colored hair. This month it was blue but I guess he changed it since the last time I saw him because now its blonde.

"Hey, Michael. You brought the vodka?" Luke asked quickly.

"Yeah, here." Michael said as he pulled the bottle out of his jacket pocket and handed it to Luke. "Is that Nicole?" He asked surprised and then darted his eyes to Luke who was looking down at the bottle.

"Um, yeah." Luke chuckled. "Nick's letting me stay here tonight."

Michael gasped. "Ooh, are you guys gonna..." He finished with a suggestive smirk at Luke and I.

"Get the fuck out." Luke laughed and pushed Michael slightly.

"You're blushing. He's blushing!" Michael yelled quickly as Luke closed the door on him. Luke turned around to face me and shook the full bottle around in the air.

"Want some?" He giggled.

Luke and I passed the bottle back and forth between each other. Saying something about ourselves before taking a sip then passing it on. It started with innocent facts like 'I'm an only child.' and such. But the more sips of vodka and the drunker we got, the less filtered our shared facts became.

"I lost my virginity when I was 16." Luke said with a little giggle after and I joined in. He put the bottle on his lips and took a sip and wiped his mouth before passing the bottle to me.

"I lost mine last year, to some douche because I got drunk at a party." I explained and quickly took a sip. I covered my mouth and winced at the burning sensation of the alcohol as I passed it back to Luke.

"Hey," Luke giggled. "Guess what."

"What?" I laughed softly.

"I am..." Luke paused to laugh again and lay down on the floor with his knees still propped up. "Super horny." He finished with another laugh.

"Really?" I asked after taking another sip of the vodka which was almost empty. I kind of was too, to be honest. I mean, what else are you going to feel when the guy you are pathetically in love with tells you he's horny.

"Yep." Luke sighed. He continued to lay on the floor a little bit until he quickly sat back up. "Hey, can I do something real quick?" He asked with a little smile. Before I could answer, Luke quickly leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I pulled away and just looked at him while I caught my breath. I put my hands on his face and pulled myself to him so I could kiss him again. His lips latched onto mine tightly as his hands moved to my hips.

Luke and I stood up while are lips still stayed attached and moved to the couch. My legs were on either side of him as he sat on the couch and I sat on his lap facing him to continue kissing him. Luke's hands stayed on my hips and trailed up under my t-shirt, pulling me closer. His lips moved down to my neck as my arms remained around his. I longed for this feeling for so long, Luke's lips against my skins was something I only dreamed of. Never in a million years did I think I'd have his lips on my neck and his hands on my hips.

Luke moved his lips back to mine and I tasted the vodka on his tongue. I wrapped my legs around Luke's waist as he carried me up the stairs with my lips still on his. "Which room is your's?" Luke asked trying to catch his breath.

"That one." I whispered and pointed to the room directly behind Luke. He smiled at me and I smiled back as he turned to run into my room.

Luke through me down on my bed and then attached his lips to mine once again. He hovered above me on his hands and quickly pulled his t-shirt over his head before he pulled off mine. I pulled Luke closer to me to continues kissing him as his hands trailed under me to unhook my bra. I arched my back to make it easier for him to take it off. And within a matter of seconds we were both stripped of all clothing.

Luke pulled his lips away from mine and hovered above me. "You ready?" He asked softly. I just nodded in anticipation. Luke just smirked and kissed me deeper than he has all night.




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