Chapter 1

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Where am I? Who am I? What's my name? These are a few of the thousand questions running through my brain after I woke up in the middle of nowhere. I'm in the woods and theres a cool breeze blowing. I look down at myself to see if I have any injuries when I notice that I am completely naked. "WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES!" I had screamed this out loud even though there was no one around to answer me, I was all alone. Or not, there was suddenly a loud sound of a snapping branch to the left of me. As I swung my head towards the sound to investigate a beautiful and terrifying wolf came out of the darkness created by the trees.

The wolf was truly magnificent with dark chocolate colored fur with an ombre affect of sorts going into the paws, ears and the tip of it's tail where it went into a lighter brown. Its eyes where a deep ocean blue that seemed to look into your soul. As I stared back at the wolf, shaking with more fear than cold, his snarls and growls seemed to fade as his body began to shake.

I shied away in terror thinking that he was about to attack, but when everything was quiet I turned back to see a gorgeous god of a man standing before me. He has hair the same color as the wolf's fur had been and his eyes are the same deep penetrating ocean blue. His skin though is tanned and toned to perfection, with an eight pack of abs to die for. Oh and did I forget to mention that he was completely NAKED?! I shrieked in surprise of seeing his thing and turned away quickly, also remembering that I am naked in front of him. While I try to cover myself with my hands I hear him chuckle a little and find myself getting annoyed at him. Some gentleman he is, I thought snidely while making a sort of scoff noise towards him.

He didn't seem to appreciate my noise as he growled at me while asking a barrage of questions in quick succession. "Who are you?" "Why are you trespassing on these pack lands?" "Where are you from" "What brought you here?" These are a few of the aformentioned questions and I feel overwhelmed because the answer to all those questions are the same.

Slowly and softly i look down and answer him sincerely, "I don't know."
He looks confused as he speaks again still asking questions, "You don't know? Whats your name?"

Again I answered, "I don't know." It was quiet for awhile before he let out a sigh. "Do you know anything," he asked while looking sympathetically at me. I looked away not wanting to meet his eyes, "No, I can't remember anything before waking up here 15 minutes ago."

Suddenly I was feeling very tired, this was weird seeing as I had just woken up not more that 15 minutes ago. My eyes started to droop as my body began to fall over. The last thing I remembered before everything went dark was the worried and shocked face of the naked god.


I awoke to a very obnoxious beeping sound. My head was pounding and I didn't want to open my eyes. I was slightly scared of where I'd be when I woke up this time. Finding the nerve to look around I cracked my eyes open to be meet with a very bright and blinding white light. Squinting my eyes shut as my headache increases in pressure. Getting used to the light I open my eyes again to see I'm in a white room. As I turn toward a door it opens and a women of about late thirties walks in while looking down at a clipboard.

As she looked up at me she smiled, "I see you're finally awake. My name is Dr.Everett." Confused and full of questions I asked, "Where am I and how long have I been out?" "You're in the pack infirmary dear, you've been asleep for about a week." "Oh," was all I could think to say in reply. "When you were brought in by Hudson you had a mild case of hypothermia and you were dehydrated as well." As she said this she was again looking at the clipboard, most likely reading my charts. "H-hudson?" I was wondering who she was talking about, was this the man that turned into a wolf? "Oh yes, he is the Beta of the pack," she said smiling back at me. Beta? Pack? What is this women talking about?

She must have see the confusion written on my face because she looked at me sympathetically. Why was everyone giving me that look? "So I hear you have some memory loss," she spoke softly. "Hudson mentioned that you couldn't remember how you got into the woods, or even your name." I looked away from her and shook my head yes.

"Ok, has anything come back to you?" Again I shook my head except this time it was a no. "Ok so we'll have to figure out a name to call you by until you can remember yours," she said giving a sad smile, "Anything you can think of that you'd like to be called?" "Well, umm, how about Toni," I replied in a small voice. "That is a very beautiful name for a beautiful girl." She smiled kindly at me then came closer. "I have to check your vitals" it was now that I looked around at the room to see there was machines all around me. Also an IV in my arm, I am just now feeling the discomfort from the needle. "Well your vitals are looking good, but your loss of memory is very peculiar. You have no bumps on the head or brain swelling, so have no idea why you can't remember anything." I looked up at her again to see her looking down at me kindly. "It is because of this that we have no idea when or if your memory will return." Those words crushed me in a way that I never thought they could. Those words brought me to tears. Before I knew it I was breaking down into body wrenching sobs. The doctor place her hand on my shoulder in a comforting motherly way.

Did I have a mother out there? A father? Did I have siblings that loved me? But the question that stood out the most was, where they looking for me?

As these questions swirled through my head I slowly cried myself into a deep dreamless sleep.


Sorry if its short this is my first time trying to write my own book and I'm sorry if it sucks but I'd love to know what you think about it. I also have no idea what my updating schedule will be like until i get into it a little more so i'm sorry in advanced.
So please comment what you think and If you see something that is wrong with my grammar feel free to correct me.

Oh and this is how I feel Toni looks>>>>>>>>>>>

Thanks for reading!

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