Chapter 3

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As I looked into the eyes of the alpha, I felt this strong desire to touch him. I needed to be next to him. My wolf needed to be next to him. Zapirah tried to surface and take over, I had to fight with her for control.

While all of this was going through my head and happening inside me I, didn't notice that the alpha had stood and was making his way forwards me. Before I could say a word I was puhed up against the now closed door and I was being thoroughly kissed.

I gasped as I realized what was happening and I pushed Alpha Sirius away as fast as possible. It's not that I don't love the feel of his lips on mine or how I felt when he touched me but, I just met him..

He let out a growl as his eyes changed from their original green shade to a darker almost black. He did not look pleased that I had pushed him away. He was about to come at me again when Hudson cut in. "Alpha, you need to stop, you are scaring her and she doesn't know what's going on." the Alpha growled in response, but his eyes began to lighten again and soon he was back to normal.

In my head I was freaking the fuck out. I mean what the fuck just happened..? Did the Alpha really just kiss me? Oh my god, did I really push the Alpha? Shit I'm already screwing shit up. I came out of my thoughts to Hudson waving his hand in front of my face and shaking my shoulders a little bit. I heard another growl and looked over at Alpha Sirius. He was staring down Hudson like he wanted to kill him. I'm so damn confused at what's happening here.

I looked at Hudson and he must have seen my confusion because he brought me to a chair so that I could sit. "Ok, so I can tell you are very confused and have no clue what just happened here." Hudson said this as he knelt in front of me so that he could be eye level with me. I shook my head yes, it's true I am so confused right now. He spoke again, "Well I'm going to let the Alpha explain what just transpired in here to you." He must have seen some sort of worry on my face because his next words made me relax. "Don't worry I'll be right here the whole time, I won't leave you Toni." I nodded my head in understanding and turned torwards the Alpha ready to here what he has to say.

The Alpha came towards me and knelt where Hudson had just been. He looked into my eyes and I felt safe, I felt like I could trust him no matter what. We stared at each other for a little while before Hudson interupted and told the alpha to begin.

"Right, thanks Hudson. So what is your name beautiful?" As the Alpha asked this question I felt my cheeks heat up, I knew my face must be red from blushing. Still I managed to stuter out the name I chose for myself, "T-t-toni."

The Alpha smiled at me. "That's a beautiful name." I blushed again, "Thank you alpha, I chose it myself."

He looked slightly confused at first, but then understanding dawned on him. "Oh yes, I forgot, you are the girl that Hudson found who had lost all memories." Again I nodded my head yes. He sighed, "Well in that case you must be very confused and I am sorry for my prior actions." I looked at him and gave him a small smile, "It's ok Alpha."

He shook his head, "No its not, and please call me Sirius." I smiled again and asked the question I was dying to know, "Why did you kiss me, and why am I so drawn to you?"

He smiled, "Well I assume that Hudson told you a bit about werewolfs and our cultures?" I nodded my head yes I'm reply. "Did he get to the part about mates?" As he asked that question, it finally dawned on me, he was my mate! "Yes he did, so you are my mate?" Sirius smile and nodded his head yes.

Excitment took over me as I threw myself at him and into his arms. He was caught off guard and we landed on the floor, I was on top of him and he had his arms wrapped right around me. He laughed as he held me close. He whispered in my ear so only I could hear, "I'm so happy to have finally found you, and the fact that you are so gorgeous is just a cherry on top." I felt my cheeks blush as I placed my face in the crook of his neck.

Hudson finally cut in, "Hey do you guys need any help?" He was laughing a bit while he asked this. To be completely honest, I forgot he was here. Wow I felt like a terrible friend all of the sudden.

Sirius let me go and stood up to help me up. He took my hand in his much larger one and led me around the desk. He sat down in his chair and pulled me into his lap.

I snuggled in close loving the feeling I got whenever I was close to him or touching him. Sufice to say that I was addicted to him already. I looked over at Hudson and he was looking at us smiling but there was a slightly sad look in his eyes. But as soon as I saw it, it was gone. "Are you to love birds all good now?" he asked. I nodded as I started to drift in Sirius' lap. Sirius replyed in a more authorative tone, "Yes we are fine, but I am going to need you to take over the training session for tonight, I want to spend it with my newly found mate." He said the last part and I felt him shift to hold me closer. All I heard in reply was a yes sir, and I was out like a light.

Sorry it's not a very long update, but it's been so long and I felt you guys deserved anything I could get to you. Don't forget to vote and thanks for reading :)

Also the picture is of what I feel Alpha Sirius looks like :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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