new powers and going back

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Issei walk into the portol that darkness had made. When he entered he is in black room with a white floor that seems to go on forever. What do I do now darkness. Bring out my gear and hold it in the air and say true light. Issei did just that he brought out the black gear and held it up and said TRUE LIGHT. A bright light then comes over the area but when it disappears issei can see darkness in her dragon form. That spell can summon me or Ddraig becase we are inside of you but it is only to be used if absolutely necessary. Why can I not summon Albion. You only have half of her in you so to summon her you either have to be near vail or be near death. I know that Ddraig gear bosted the host power and Albion divine the enemy power and give it to the host but what dose yours do. Mine has to one called copy and one called maker. What do they do. Copy can copy any real ability or magic by seeing it while maker can make any ability that dose not exist by know everything about it. So it can make an ability from an anime or something. You can and you can make your own up. A big tv and couch came into view. Sit the dragon said then turned back into the gear. Watch the tv it memorys of all the ability and magic you have saw over the years.

Issei have been siting there for over 3 day watching different spells and when it was done the gear said COPY. after that issei body started to burn like he was thrown into a inferno of fire. When it finally stop he stood up and look at a mirror that had shown up next to him. he look different but the most notable part was he had angle wings, devil wings, fallen wings, two cat tails, and fox ears. What all this issei yelled. When you take on the ability you changed into the binge that can use them so you now are a hybrid of different supernatural beings. Issei hid them becase they where kinda heavy. Now what do I do issei asked siting back down. Watch anime the dragon said. Really issei said unused. Yes annie seemed to have lot of power you can get. Ok then issei said watching the tv.

Issei have been there for about a month he had learned one skill per anime becase he can always learn the rest later on

FULL COUNTER- is an ability that can send back all magical attacks towards the caster

ONE FOR ALL- an qurik that is passed down from person to person so far there is 6 quirks

LUST TOUCH- an power that that make the person that being touch very sensitive

SHARRINGAN- an eye that can make you see your enemy next move and put them under a genjitsu

CURSED ENEGRY- can be used to accomplish all kinds of effects and purposes, such as summoning creatures or enveloping one’s own body to protect against destructive attacks

GODSPEED- make the user to be able to run at the speed of light

THOU SHALT NOT DIE- to be able to come back to life in spite of being killed

POWER OF ABSOLUTE OBEDIENCE- which allows him to plant commands within a person's mind upon direct eye contact

I got a pretty good about of stuff darkness. Partner did you really need the lust touch Ddraig said. I was thinking if I got the ophis to fall in love with me she would forget about the wanting the gap back. That may work if that what you wanted then way did you get these fighting ones. Well darkness you always need a back up plan do you not. So if you can't get her to love you your going to kill her. If I have to though I dont want to. Ok are you ready to go back. I believe so but what of my new looks. I can make them think you always look that way. Ok then let go stop the death of everyone. Issei felt sleepy and closed his eyes and when he opened them he was in his old room. Issei come down for breakfast his mom called down. Comeing he yelled putting on his uniform. He walk down stairs and sat at the table and ate. Bye mom bye dad.

Issei was walking from home on the bridge and than raynare came. Are you issei hyoudou she asked. I am who might you be. I'm Yuma and I have been waxh you for awhile and well will you be my boyfriend. Sure Issei said getting closer to her. Let have a date Saturday sound good. Yes thank you she gave her number and left. Darkness I thought I had a week before she came. I apologize I got the time wrong. Let get home Ddraig said. Ok I'm going. Issei walk past a convent store and saw a couple guy trying to hit on a girl when she was clearly uncomfortable. Hey what are yall doing. Stay out of this kid it. Yeah but out we saw her first. Issei walk up to the first guy and punch him in the face knocking him out. The other dude thew I right hook but issei dodge it and hit him with and upper cut knocking him out. Hey are you ok. The girl thank me and ran off. She look familiar issei thought before walking back home.

Timeskip Saturday
Issei had the same date he gave her the first time and they where now at the park. Issei can you do something for me. What do you need issei asked with his eyes closed. Will you die for me. She then turned into her fallen form. Issei opened his eyes to revile his sharingan trapping her in a genjitsu. Issei walk up to her and used MATE on her. Your lucky I still like you even after all you put me thew. I pick her up and took her to my house and put her on my bed.

Raynare POV
She was being stab by ever person she or her comrades have ever killed with her own light spear While the girl (asia) she was planning to kill was healing her so she could suffer and not die but litte did she know it was not real.

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